If there was any relation more Omnipotent than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the silken fabric of irrefutably priceless humanity,
If there was any relation more unassailable than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the mesmerizing valley of marvelously scintillating truth,
If there was any relation more perpetual than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the bountiful paradise of symbiotically enamoring togetherness,
If there was any relation more evergreen than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the gorgeous waterfall of uninhibitedly innocuous mankind,
If there was any relation more everlasting than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the fathomless sky of unconquerably blazing righteousness,
If there was any relation more Omniscient than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the profuse fireball of fragrantly blossoming patriotism,
If there was any relation more poignant than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the enigmatic forest of eternally tantalizing sensuousness,
If there was any relation more Omnipresent than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the enchanting spires of unsurpassably overpowering seduction,
If there was any relation more ingratiating than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the Sun of flamboyantly glittering Optimism,
If there was any relation more fabulous than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the bird of heavenly burgeoning ecstasy,
If there was any relation more Godly than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the handsome meadow of profoundly philanthropic benevolence,
If there was any relation more resplendent than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the river of timelessly melodious mankind,
If there was any relation more revered than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the sacrosanct apostle of glorious empathy,
If there was any relation more divinely than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with unshakable mountains of blessing solidarity,
If there was any relation more princely than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the clouds of spell bindingly titillating fantasy,
If there was any relation more beautiful than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the wings of unparalleled and ardently ravishing desire,
If there was any relation more formidable than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the endless oceans of perennially bonding friendship,
If there was any relation more boundless than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the fantastically vibrant chapters of mystically unfurling life,
And if there was any relation more immortal than blood relation; then it was nothing else; but the relation with the invincible beats of love; love ; and majestically true and unbiased love .