Love Versus Terrorism – Poems on Anti Terror , Peace , Love , Brotherhood – Part 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The sweat that flowed when you killed; was like the orphaned wings of a parasitic leech; left to devastate on its own in this fathomless Universe,


The sweat that flowed when you lied; was like a lifeless skeleton suspended in non-existent air; pulverizing to inconspicuous ash; at the tiniest insinuation of drifting wind,


The sweat that flowed when you hated; was like a crocodile slithering disastrously; without the most minuscule droplet of water; in the heart of the insurmountably sweltering deserts,


The sweat that flowed when you devilishly conspired; was like grandiloquently embellished; bereft of a single tangible soul,


The sweat that flowed when you lambasted your parents; was like a dog opening its mouth an infinite times; and yet not able to poignantly bark,


The sweat that flowed when you betrayed; was like a billion scorpions stinging a new born infant; strangulating him to death; even before he was alive,


The sweat that flowed when you condemned mankind; was like the satanic tremor of a ghastly earthquake; metamorphosing your visage to a pack of frigidly burnt cards,


The sweat that flowed when you disrupted harmony; was like a horrendously blind man; walking on the summit of the Himalayas,


The sweat that flowed when you brutally hijacked; was like a ludicrous scarecrow; melting to blend with soil; at the most obsolete of Sunshine,


The sweat that flowed when you indiscriminately whipped; was like a colossal juggernaut of stinking lizard; dancing in your stomach after your afternoon meal,


The sweat that flowed when you rebelled Almighty Lord; was like an infinitesimal mosquito surrendering; before its master even wept,


The sweat that flowed when you abusively tyrannized; was like the worst nightmare of your existence; transforming each instant of your destiny into a countless breaths without life,


The sweat that flowed when you maliciously stabbed; was like a tree on soil since centuries unprecedented; without the most diminutive of thorn or voluptuous



The sweat that flowed when you poisoned children; was like a miserably freezing avalanche of ice; not melting even under the most austerely brilliant of Sunshine,


The sweat that flowed when you adulterated blissful society; was like an docile ant; merrily forcing the ferocious panther; to have the last run of its life,


The sweat that flowed when you slit the innocent; was like a dungeon of uncouth daggers; indefatigably lingering in the absolute center of your mouth,


The sweat that flowed when you ridiculed the celestially elderly; was like an haggardly pale stone; being kicked; tossed; kidded and decimated by all fraternity of living kind,


The sweat that flowed when you snatched happiness; was like pathetically rotting carrion; being relentlessly ripped apart by a hostile battalion of vultures and wandering wolves,


While the sweat that flowed when you loved and lived life; was like the divine taking birth as man; immortalizing this planet; with the essence of united human kind.