Messages of Light and Love by Donna Solitario - HTML preview

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Substance Abuse


Growing up as an adult child

Scared and angry, a teen who ran wild

Coming from a family disease

Alcoholism, pill addiction, mental illness, and poverty

Just look around, substance abuse, including the Heroin epidemic is quite real

It starts in Middle school, and even younger still

It affects all of our lives

We can all help to keep our kids, youth, and adults safe and alive


Reaching out to them

Acknowledge that substance abuse is a society & family disease

It affects you and me

Some of its victims are abused, used, incarcerated, hospitalized, and even die

Denial of substance abuse being a disease, is the biggest lie

Dark clouds shimmer over the horizon

Substance abusers need help, and also the family of origin

Tears are shed and no one is smiling

Rather sickness such as: mental, physical, spiritual, and anguished despair

Rules over the addict’s home, please send some prayers

The home is a built in prison, consumed with this disease

A place where simple boundaries

Are not a safe place to express one’s needs?

Others often learn to be enablers, people pleasers, reactors, kids suffer from PTSD

Children often lose their innocence from their toxic childhoods

Some of these teens end up in the hood

Angry, lost, addicted, torn and abandoned

Substance abuse took away their safe haven

Siblings fight and cry, while trying to survive

Living In a hostile environment

Getting a call for a fatal accident?

Substance abuse can carry a burden of resentment

Carrying toxic energy deep within the victims soul

Leaving scars to the heart, mind and soul

The results are a family’s soul sickness

But for the grace of God it can be treated

It takes surrendering and humility

Most of all the courage to acknowledge that one has been defeated

After that one day at a time, recovery can begin to flourish

The miracle of recovery can be achieved

With the willingness, to be open-minded, and living in honesty

The cycle of Addictions can be changed

To a healthy and happy life of recovery day by day

It is no use to blame, but rather to forgive and love one another, and take responsibility for our own lives

The grace of God can enter us and make things right

If we pray for his will and do the best that we can

All of us will one day see our Heaven