Midnight Shoot Out - Cowboy Poetry by Candice James - HTML preview

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Red and White


Each man has his own background and for the most part too

Each has his own beliefs he carries false or true.

The red man has his ritual ways. The white man has his laws;

and they never fully understand one another's cause.


The white man's had his way in shaping western history.

He's fought hard for the right to say this land of ours is free.

Some live in the big city and dream in their high rise.

Others toil on the land and weep through dusty eyes.


The red man can't be hemmed in or tied to city lights.

He likes the open skies and starry prairie nights.

Fishin' for his breakfast cooked on open flames,

he hunts with a hunger and a thirst that can't be tamed.


The white man has his God and his way of life.

He has his choice of many roads that branch off left and right.

He won't take responsibility for injustices or war

and he won't give the red man back what belonged to him before.


The red man has his great spirit and sacred mother earth.

He knows that wealth and power aren't the measure of one's worth.

He whispers to the rain and listens to the wind

and tries to stay in tune with the world he's living in.


The red man and the white man roam this earth together.

It’s a shame they don't take the time to know each other better.

History's filled with bloodshed and battles left behind

that might not have been fought if man was not so blind.


Each being has a special white magic of his own

and we must take our best part with us thru this vast unknown.

As we walk life’s crowded pathways, we still walk alone

and we all reap our destiny from the seed's we’ve sown.