Midnight Shoot Out - Cowboy Poetry by Candice James - HTML preview

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Bringin' 'Em In


It’s rough out on the trail of a cattle drive.

Some wranglers make it. Some don't come back alive.

Some die from the heat. Some die from the herd.

Some just die from heartache but they don't say a word.


And out on the trail…


You head for the watering hole, the one you used before,

but now she's dry as a bone and sunburnt to the core.

Your canteen is empty and your throat's dry and' hot.

You shake it for the water you know it hasn't got.


So you keep driving the cattle up around the next bend

but still there ain't no water just desert without end.

You're startin' to cough and wretch. You know you're in deep trouble.

Your head's gettin' heavy and you're startin' to see double.


And just when you're thinkin' you ain't got a chance,

it’s wet on your forehead as the rain starts to dance.

It pours down in torrents and you laugh and jump for joy

and just for a moment you feel like a little boy.


The rain keeps pourin' down and you watch the puddles form.

The cattle are a quiet bunch in this summer storm.

They're soaked to the skin and their tongues are cold and wet.

These clouds are a long-lost friend you never will forget.



Yeah it’s tough out on the trail drivin' cattle to a sale,

eatin' when you can and drinkin' water that's gone stale.

Sure the pay is good and most of the time you win

but the biggest thrill of all is just ‘bringin' 'em in’ !