Mirrored Minds: A Thousand Years of Korean Verse​ by 9788993360486 - HTML preview

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Playing Alone

Haraboji*, are you as famous as people say?”

the little girl next door asked me one day - this was before she

began to go to primary school.

“What do you think fame is?” I asked. 

“I don’t know,” she said. 

“It isn’t anything good,” I told her.

This year she’s in second year middle school. 

Studying a poem of mine in her textbook

she said she knew the author well. 

“So, what did you tell them?” I asked. 

“I said you were an ordinary haraboji and that often you looked like a boy playing on your own.”

I was delighted by this reply. “You did well,” 

I said in praise. “Thank you.”

I felt lighthearted all day.

* Grandad.