My Fortitude by Tayo Okanlawon - HTML preview

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On the couch from where I scout, I heard the shout coming from the South. No doubt, my bout of scout and my stout passion to remain on this route will today sprout a good result. I raced quickly down the base at an unbelievable pace to unveil the face behind the veil. Alas, a new case of total disappointment and a new phase of utter disgrace. What bellowed below was just the echo of a vast fallow land with no tracks to follow. My mind had played the whistle of the nearby thistles into a shout of help my soul craved to hear and my heels waited no further epistles before sprinting foolishly down the bushy hill.

I know the familiar tune of mock that now plays in my head as my eyes sorrowfully traced the row of thistles back to the top of the hill from where I had descended. I looked ahead into the fallow to know what clue to follow. My feet stayed glued to the ground as the pains from the descent now begin to take effect. I know I had to overcome the pains and the inner regret of impatience and continue my scout on this cunning route.

The sun is gradually closing its window to retire for the day. I am resolved not to go back to my bed until I find a female soul to share it with.  I will not go back to cuddle on cold pillows. I desire the cuddle and warmth of a sleek, curly body on my spring water bed. I will not retire until I get my desire but I must begin to prepare for dusk. I must put up the fires and clear the grounds for the night camp.

The loud midnight howls jerked sleep off my tired body. I had to keep vigil through the night so as not to get devoured. Tears trickled down my cheeks as the rains began to tear down. What a cool way to crown the pains of the night. The heavy shower bore its message to me as it pierced mercilessly through every tree I ran to for cover. I shivered through the night like a chicken beaten by rain. I wasn’t prepared for this but nature brought it down on me brutally.

With wet clothes, I set out in the morning on my scout for Aduke. I headed towards North, not just because I will quickly get sun bathed there, but also it was the only other place I had not scouted. Tonight, I must go back home, with or without Aduke. Last night’s experience had brought about a new resolution. If I continued in this suffering, I may eventually die before meeting Aduke. Today’s search will be thorough because it will be the last. By noon, I will commence a return trip back home. Someday, I will come back, better prepared for this search.

I advanced rapidly to cover more grounds before noon. I climbed trees often to get a vast view of my surroundings, yet no hope. By noon, I decided to head back home to the waiting succulence of my water bed. I began to plan in my head what my activities would be when I get back home. How I will take a cold shower and settle to prepare a sumptuous eba meal with egusi soup and bush meat. That meant I either kill myself a game or buy one on my way. How sweet will home coming be!

I could clearly hear the bustle of town from afar and my soul is jubilant within me. I decide to take the front door which I rarely take and have not taken in months. As I walked despairingly towards my front door, I saw a slim female figure standing by my door. “My mind must be at it again,” I told myself. What could a female figure be doing at my door? As I approached the door, the picture remained the same. This was not a mind trick. This is real. Someone was actually by my door and not just anyone.

She greeted me warmly before scolding me for my foolishness of embarking on an empty search. She told me she had been at the front door for months where she waited daily for me to walk out the door but I never did, instead I always took the backdoor out.  She said all I needed was a single step of faith through the front door instead I risked a back door journey into a wild search for what was not lost.

Thrown into complete reverie, I ruminated over my plight as she continued her rebuke of my actions. “You could have kept vigil of prayers in your room to receive the light of insight, instead you took the hard vigil of shivering in the dark wilderness for what was not lost, she concluded”.

Oh! What a shame, what a plight…