Battle Field
Beat after beat the trampling get near
Bit by bit our cramping hearts fret in fear
Hit after hit, the clash of their cymbals rev up our fears
Heat upon heat, our hiding caves heat up our tears
The Word army is losing its flare
The ambassadors shake at the world’s glare
Word Marshals abandon their gears
And the monuments are being ripped off the stairs
Though the Word banks on refuting the world’s pranks but yet, the world’s tanks advance from all flanks. The Word marshals have deserted and the armies have reverted to civil ways. No sounds of drums in the frontiers. The courts have been deserted by the courtiers. There are no activities in all the tiers of the kingdom. The flags are even raised in half mast.
At the Word Palace
My eyes crave for tears. No one has sought how the king fares. No one is around to allay the king's fears. No one is greasing the king's gears and no one to sing melodiously into the king's ears.
Oh! What a kingdom it would have been. I mean what a great exploit we would have seen. If all the faculties are full of teens and the courtyards are filled with the call outs of the elderly deans. Oh! What a kingdom it will be, if all the king's songs are mastered with lyrical beats and the literatures become treats of hope. If every evening we hold retreats of love for those who have the hope of making it back home. If only we patently guard our purpose and patiently key into its fulfillment. If only the army will not repose until they have success to report. If only the marshals will stand their grounds with the power in the Word and the ambassadors go forth in the pride of the Word to win this war.
I line today, behind the Word. Don't desert this kingdom.