My Fortitude by Tayo Okanlawon - HTML preview

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The King's Courtier

Sleep leaves my opening eyes. I sit up and stare ahead into the melting ice. The morning dew sail down silently as the mist cover the trees gently. What a grave silence this morning. No sounds of drums in the frontiers. The courts have been deserted by the courtiers. There are no activities in all the tiers of the kingdom.

What has happened? My eyes crave for tears. No one has sought how the king fares. No one is around to allay the king's fears. No one is greasing the king's gears, and no one to sing melodiously into the king's ears.

Oh! What a kingdom it would have been. I mean, what a great exploit we would have seen. If all the faculties are full of teens and the courtyards are filled with the call outs of the elderly deans. Oh! What a kingdom it will be, if all the king's songs are mastered with lyrical beats, and the literatures become treats of hope. If every evening, we hold retreats of love for those who have the hope of making it back home. If only we awake to our duties and key our talents into the service of our great deity. If only we patently guard our purpose and patiently key into its fulfillment. Do not repose till you have success to report. Use your talent to do exploit for God. Don't make his kingdom deserted.


The Kingdom Venture

As the sole creature reserved as the sole candidature for this horrid adventure, I know failure is no option in the completion of this venture. Though the nature of this venture is one that requires my complete vesture in the apparel of perseverance, yet its completion is achievable.

I can see the bigger picture of the adventure. Peradventure, its end may be the beginning of a new future, but while I still feature in its unfolding, I must nurture the seed of its completion. Nothing must lure me off track and nothing must puncture the faith I have in its completion. It is a Kingly adventure. It is the Kingdom's Venture.


The King's Loyalist

I promise:

In piety, I'll move against all hostility.
In frailty, I'll oppose my foes' fatality.
In all ability, to love beyond sanity
In my locality, to advance his WORD to all humanity
In agility, to propagate without anxiety
In levity, to expend for my deity.
In all equity, I promise to be a loyalist.