My Fortitude by Tayo Okanlawon - HTML preview

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Today the ideal is being altered as many idle souls go to the altar to say ‘I do’ to something they cannot handle. Many jumble into it, fumble in it and tumble out of it to later grumble on many possible reasons for its failure. Founding the genesis of relationships on worldly heresies is a serious nemesis to many Christian unions established thereafter. Trying to blend with the worldly trend is causing serious bends and dents in relationships. These dents and bends are not easy to mend and partners only tend to salvage the situation which eventually leads to the end of many relationships.

When the desired is not available, you make the available desirable is another foul concept of “I do”.  Many do not stand for standard and cannot even stand out when their personal standard comes under threat. They blow with the wind, row with the tide and flow with the stream of events. The standard of a relationship is being with a compatible soul mate. When the compatible is not readily available, the available may be nothing comparable to the compatible. So, do not fall into the ‘available’ error. Patience is a virtue. Many impatiently blow with the wind into the arms of the available and row to the altar with the incompatible. At the end, they flow into the stream of incomparable violent tides.

Many are caught in the motion of wrong notions. Many beauty full hearts are losing the beautiful acts endowed in them by following broken paths. The wrong motion of Vogue and peer influence and the rush of guys to misinterpret an innocent feminine blush crushed many lovely hearts and has become a menace we must flush out of our relationship system. Many broken hearts belief in finding relief by getting into another relationship. At this broken moment, they are vulnerable and fall for any mumbo jumbo that offers some form of comfort. 

Watch before you say ‘you do’.