My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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The Cryptic One


They say he is a loner,
They say he is a nerd
He coils away from the public domain
He lives in his own secluded realm
He shies away
All he wants is to be loved
But the so called normal distaste him
No friend, no family of his own
To them he is just a simple pawn
He sits alone from dusk to dawn
His cheeks forever soiled with tears
In the human mind he is the definition of abnormality
He is just human, he has dignity
To the “Normal” people he is just Cryptic



People will say to you we don’t understand you and you are weird just calmly reply “People are not books that need to be understood.”(Kundai Edward Pfumayaramba)