My Inked Views by Kundai Pfumayaramba - HTML preview

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Who am I?


Many great vessels have sailed along my ways
Man navigate along me for months and days
They called her the greatest
It was held unsinkable
Word was it was unconquerable
As it cruised many plundered on its regal tables
But nothing is invincible, it all fell to rabbles
The deck was filled with confusion and grumbles
The mighty impregnable liner wobbles
The sails, the mast slide to Davy Jones’s locker
Sinking, entwine with her stylish choker
Even those of questionable repute, the hooker
Sank to the depths
Brave, meek have all passed through me
I am deep as the greatest depths
And wide as the widest widths
Who am I ?
Some say I am unforgiving
Others say I am a delight
But who or what am I
Certain seasons I have diverse personalities
Sometimes my paths freeze
Sometimes they thaw, cruising is a breeze
At this instances all is at ease
But that question again
Who am I?
Prodigious Dons have tried to decrypt my nature
They ask where did I come from
My Genesis they seek
The dots of creation they add trying to sum up the link
They put equations on ink
Sometimes I am a plain blue liquid
But sometimes I am solid as a crystalline
At this point you feel more slave than queen
Lastly I ask myself
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?