My Rose Garden by Yvette Benjamin - HTML preview

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The Best for Last

(John 2: 1-11)

Two had come to join as one,
The feast of forever had just begun.
The celebration of food and wine
Was slowly passing by with time.
When Mary beckoned her beloved son,
She knew he was the only one
Who could save the bride and the groom
From criticism and social doom.
She begged of Him his ministry,
“My son it’s time – we are in need”;
“The wedding feast will be a loss”
“We must assist at any cost”.

He called for water and at that time
He changed the ordinary into wine;
He saved the feast as his mother asked,
He saved the best for last.

When man sinned at the beginning of time,
Jesus offered his blood as the couple did wine;
He said he would come to rescue His bride,
To restore the void He felt inside.
Think it no coincidence of time
That Jesus’ first miracle was at a wedding with wine;
And, that before he could come many lambs had been given. Just as the ordinary wine was served first at the wedding.

Think it not chance that the best wine came from water; just as Jesus, God’s son, was born of a human mother. And, when Jesus’ mission to reunite with his bride began, John said to all, “Behold the Lamb!”

He called for change and at that time
Jesus, man’s son, became God’s wine;
He came to save man as the Father asked,
He has saved the best for last.

Salvation’s plan, like a marriage takes two,
It takes Jesus and me or Jesus and you.
He has offered His hand and proposed,
He has promised a crown made of gold.
Instead of a diamond ring by earthly measure,
He has promised life and heaven’s treasure.
The wedding garb, the robe of life
Has been carefully chosen for His wife.
It’s “A marriage made in heaven”, as they say;
Without Him there is no other way.
He calls us his bride, He’s prepared the feast;
He comes to the greatest and to the least.

He calls for water and at the chosen time
He’ll change us forever into wine;
“Come as you are”, is all He asks,
He has saved Heaven, the best for last.