My Rose Garden by Yvette Benjamin - HTML preview

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Dear God

Dear God, My daughter asked me the other day if You were real. She said that she keeps hearing that you’re coming back but You’re not here. Are you real? “Good question”, I thought and wondered how I could explain in simplest of terms so that it would be clear.

You see, God, my daughter is seven. In human terms that means she doesn’t understand the unseen. For her, there usually is no yesterday or tomorrow. She only knows today and only what is directly connected to her being.

So, there we stood facing the mirror and she waited, but impatiently. I gathered my thoughts, took a breath and hoped that I could say something that would help her understand the question that has spanned ages and connect her to You in a very special way.

I said, “Jesus is real” and a smile crept onto my face. I was having thoughts of things You’d done for me And things You’d brought me through; And as a child does, she smiled too reflecting what I was feeling and seemed to be sharing my joy of You.

“He’s coming back,” I said, “sometimes sooner for some than others.” “You see, if someone dies in Him before He returns then He has come for them;” “Their time has ended but others may go on living for years to come,” “So we have to be ready every day, because we don’t know when.”

I could have gone on and explained things that wouldn’t have made it more clear, but I thought I saw understanding so I decided to stop there; And, before I was let off the hook she asked, “How do you know for sure and where does Jesus live?” I told her you were in her heart, matter of fact You’re everywhere.

I looked at her face in the mirror, her confusion dissipated as familiarity came to be because if she knows nothing else, she knows love and the warmth it brings; She knows there’s a happiness that comes after being sad, and when things seem dark there’s a song to sing.

And just as abruptly as the questions began – they stopped and she left the room. I hoped, with answers that were good enough to light her way; I was relieved that I had succeeded but before my success had settled she returned, after only a day and her questions were the same.

So we reviewed the answers given just a day before And, again she walked away content that now she knew Who You are, where You are, and when You would return. Me, on the other hand, I’m not sure that simplicity will always do.

So, I guess my prayer to You today is to give me more of You so that tomorrow when she asks again and we look into the mirror at each other,
My spirit will reflect my joy, my trust in You and Your gracious love, and she’ll see Jesus in the mirror not just her earthly mother.