Naked Leavings by Candice James - HTML preview

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Candice James

Copyright 2009


Trickling down the face of some

Falsely cherished lie I mistook for the truth,

I’m now the resurrection of a forgotten

Fragment of my imagination

That’s trying to claw its way into reality

For reality’s sake only.  Nothing else.

When I have a clear view of it

I’ll brandish my new sable paint brush

High above my head and channel

The flow of these dazzling colors onto

The canvas of the life I’d misplaced,

And wasted, in someone else’s corner of the world.


Misspent youth is well spent indeed

Compared to misspent middle age

Which rots more quickly than old fruit

When not taken within its season,

When not plucked tenderly, compassionately.

The abominable knife of cruelty,

Once worn like a tattered crown,

Reigned over this kingdom of tears

Before these new days sprinkled with sunshine

And punctuated with optimistic abandon

Became my constant companion.


Beneath this veil of faded diamonds

That litter the spiral staircase of my dreams

I sometimes find a remnant of ripped fabric

But it bears no resemblance to the disguises

Worn by those who slept in my soul

And languished in the pool of my faith.

As I cast a furtive glance backward

I can barely see the burned out crumbling

Steeple I spent so many heartaches in.

Hiding in the special shelter in my mind;

Before it became too run down, beyond repair;

Before it became prematurely antiquated

Before I left the best part of myself

Carelessly out in the rain to rust and rot.


 The days and nights keep wandering

Through this shaky house of cards

Locking the door so I can’t get back into

This closet of tears and fears.

This knowledge is my salvation now,

My only reason to continue walking

With and through this shadow I’ve become.


Common sense, such a long lost stranger,

Has emerged victorious from her watery grave

In love’s stillborn sea.  She’s shaken off the wet

And, wrapped in a damp towel, is knocking on my door

Sword drawn and ready to slay all my dragons

And vanquish my evil twin at last.



A peaceful easy feeling to rest in.