Napkins: Rare Poetry and Prose Archives, 1995-2004 by Steve Dustcircle - HTML preview

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Paranoia Seeped In (via 2001)


Paranoia seeps in

It swallows me

As they follow me

Who they are

I cannot explain

Confusion will not allow me

However, allow me to retort

Secluded by the resort of a sickness

Mental thickness

Stability of unfitness

Against a wall of it all


They still follow close

Their location unknown

Cover of theirs not blown yet

Conscious about to clout


I look about me

Believe they found me

Around me are footsteps loud

Within deep among the crowd

The sounds

So specific

I could almost grip it

Can't quite skip it

Or slip it

Can I feel their thirst

Their heartbeat about to burst

Their following perhaps fallacy

A fake perception

My own interpretation

My mind in intermission

Through a duration of frustration

Just as my imaginary friend

Becomes a realization of mental end

Reality creep in

Yells at me

And tells me

Paranoia seeped in