Narco Fleas by Plutowe - HTML preview

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‘You tried to play nice, everyone just took advantage.


You left the fridge open, somebody just took a sandwich.’- Kanye West, Wolves



Goofy I


Art for myself,

I don’t know if it’s good.

What about him over there?

Practised as he should.

Measured and mathematical,

Sharp and sure, this is the ratio,

This stuff is pure.

Here is the Guardian column I ought to share.

What about Bart Simpson?

What does he do

With himself over there?

A finite amount of success

Greedy, grab it quick.

I salute you with respect

In the midst of your dudehood,

Old age won’t appease

Your rude attitude.

Where does it go?

It falters and withers

Much like the old man who

Accompanies Smithers.

I’m not one to get jealous,

I don’t really care

But what is Bart Simpson doing

With himself over there?


Goofy II


It’s like Mr Magoriams wonder emporium

Up in here

A book or a film I have never seen or read

Only during aerobic respiration do

These ideas bundle in my head

This unfiltered mind won’t stop

Spawning useless bull nonsense

So I forgive you

While as long as I live in this city

I’ll hate you, it’s such a pity

When I go back to your absence

It does me a service

Can stand to live without the positive symptoms

It’s not a reduction to my current state of conditions

Freedom from your madness

Losing nothing without the sadness

That tore a black hole

Anarchy in the knot of your soul


Worm Hole


Sometimes it’s so dark as though

This is a black hole we reside in

In the middle of this

Nothing is moving

We are sucked in, time hasn’t stopped

Because it doesn’t exist

Everyone else is asleep but I must

Finish what I’m doing

The night is so stubborn, so black,

So hopeless. Fixed and rigid,

It won’t move for anything. Unrelenting.

Inescapable curtain, a blindfold over everything.

Someone cupping their hand over your mouth,

Holding your breath until you get to drink the cool air in again.

Smiling silently at your suffering,

Absorbing with hollow disinterest.

Indifferent to the depth of your eyes

And the light which they long for

But can’t retrieve,

Won’t reprise.

A limp body that can’t be revived.


It Takes All Sorts


Bundled in a heap, the wounded-

A room full of façades.

You didn’t believe in serendipity, did you?

The timing of these things

I get a craving for nicotine at the same time as yourself

Also alone

Extracted from a pick ‘n’ mix bag

An assortment of the mood disordered

Whatever strings it takes to hold you up

I know

What it’s like


I think I saw him there

It was sundown

And it was just as night wind shivered death

I thought you’d ceased

But saw you still

Lest he be a ghost, a hologram,

A mirror image, an impression, an outline,

A schizophrenic companion maybe.

There’s nothing

I own that I know to be mine.

Didn’t think I had an addictive personality until I wanted to help him,

What is this compulsion?

Every time a sword punctures

Quick put into writing,

Like swabbing up blood

Blotting with a handkerchief, tears.


Gangster Rap


Toulouse is trying to be an alleycat

Be a famous rapper, that’s where it’s at

It doesn’t take long for soda to go flat

Rhymes are a sign of bad mental health

So is wandering around the city with new-found stealth

You don’t get it, you just don’t get it, you really really

Just don’t get it!

This isn’t imaginary, I can feel-

And the evidence is too many connected dots

So you must disregard

But does that make it wrong?

Or does that make it stronger?

How can hyper-vigilance not create a new-found order?

I found something in nothing

There’s always something in nothing

That’s where something stems from

And every light is going green.


Dormant Dominance


Of course, I couldn’t understand

Their fear, intimidation.

I’m all eyes and all ears.

The too close for comfort look which takes only

A split second,

To see through to what is real

And to know what is fake.

Stood in the face of emotional honesty

I have never felt that it frightens me.

What’s in the eighth house?

It’s not even funny,

I look through plutonic hollows,

Dive into black holes.


The window of the night sky

Is the window to my soul.


Hey, Jay!


What the fuck Jay?

You can’t just run away,

Disappearing down a dark alleyway.

What could you possibly think I would say

That could actually harm you in any substantial way?

I don’t know Jay, what do you think?

Could I really be on the brink of insanity?

Don’t answer me.

Wandering around listlessly.

Listen Jay,

Some have claimed sightings of me!

Sitting alone, drinking coffee.

What does discernment reveal?

Sometimes loneliness is the best way to heal.

Not romantic tragedy,

I’m really OK.

Stop being so afraid, extend some sympathy today.


Come on Jay, I gave you a chance.

Every action I take is not plagued by romance.

I see other people and they look fine,

Laughing aloud, drinking glasses of wine.

Look beyond envy, look beyond fear

The chain of events is really quite clear.

That was a cycle,

Now let us regard

The fact that after that

Comes the brutish discard.

Am I scary Jay?

Got that bitch-face look.

I’m terribly sorry,

It was my reputation they took.

I know that’s what you see,

Your own perception of fragmented little me.

But this is the real deal:

I don’t care, I don’t feel

The judgement, I couldn’t care less

So there’s no need to hide from my embarrassed mess

Because I never did slip,

Not for one minute did I trip.

I never put stock in the words of haters,

Let them do the talking, I’m still miles ahead

Finishing the race

While shame rips them to shreds.