Nursery Raps by justin spring - HTML preview

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Let's call it genocide. One two three four all in a row, just like that.  He was the nicest man, just your average uncle, all Hellos and watery eyes every time he visited. You can't count the holes in an ocarina while you're playing it he used to say, so I always paid attention. There are several other things I should mention regarding his personage: his sordid mouth for one. Lips like asparagus. Needs hollandaise, lots of it, I'd always say to myself. And those short arms of his. Hey, don't get me wrong, he didn't have those little fishy flipper hands, we're not talking tragedy here, just short arms, like a doll's.  Once when he visited me I dressed up all my dolls, laid them on the bed all in a row for him. Well, what do we have here, he kept saying, bouncing them up and down over his head like you do with little kids. He looked like a big fat doll tossing up little girl dolls. You know, those same little arms. Then he laid them down on the bed all in a row. Mary, Mary, he sighed. Hey, maybe I shouldn't be telling you this.