Of Life and Spirit by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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I believe that animals have something to tell us about life. Even if you aren’t Doctor Doolittle.

For example, I once had a dog. he was a little German Shepherd named Benji. Every afternoon when I’d go out, he’d be waiting. Bouncing around like a ball of naked electricity waiting to be set free.

Hey Benji! Aren’t you worried about the economy?


No matter what life threw at him, Benji had something better to look forward to. I would let him go and he would streak across the yard in a blaze of joy.

Of course, the cats weren’t as impressed. but them, they were cats, they don’t party as some other creatures do…they are more into black-tie affairs and filet mignon…and we love them for it.


Benji’s end came after a stranger; I think it was a cat person, wandered into Benji’s yard. This person was profoundly disturbed that a creature would live life with such exuberance.

Benji was promptly reported as a hazard to the community and soon the appropriate authorities arrived to do their heroic duty. Yet, even toward the end, Benji remained the same.

Hey Benji! Aren’t you angry at the person who accused you?


Benji died, true to his principles, those who killed him, true to theirs. Yet, Benji taught us that in life, no matter what happens, there is something better to look forward to. That moment when our Master sets us free…that moment when we can finally run across the yard in a blaze of joy.

To those of you who don’t know the master, I can only say this, why wouldn’t you want to know someone who could set you free?