Of Life and Spirit by Kelvin Bueckert - HTML preview

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Slow Down

The sunlight was welcome after a cold storm of rain.

My red Hyundai Accent sped down the mud-covered road, splashing through puddles and swerving to avoid ruts. Time was short and there was so much to do.

Still, the morning was pleasant. It shouldn’t be much of a hassle to get everything done that needed to be. No problem at all. Speed would solve everything.

My car stereo pumped out the power chords and electronic flavors of the song, Rage. Irony is always a warning of something.

I glanced at the soft pastels of morning smearing across the sleepy sky. An especially slippery rut threw my car to the left, lengthwise across the road. Anxious to avoid the steep ditch on the left side of the road, I corrected. My car swerved sideways again, headed straight into the steep ditch on the right side.

The bottom of the grass-covered hill approached.

A painful crash was imminent.

Time seemed to slow as I spun the steering wheel.

Finally, the car corrected with a violent 180-degree turn.

The cd in the stereo skipped.

After a brief pause, I slowly drove my car up and out of the grassy ditch.

Yes, the day was good.

I had avoided a painful collision with the ditch bottom.

However, the force of my power turn in the ditch had forced enough dirt between rubber and the rim of my tire for it to lose air.

A small fee to pay to avoid a serious accident.

Apparently, life is much more enjoyable if you slow down. Your life anyway, I don’t know about mine…Well, maybe I do. I know that I almost rolled my car because I didn’t take things a little more slowly.

Being stuck in a rut didn’t help much either.

I suppose I could make a few philosophical points about what happened. However, I don’t know if I have the time to state the obvious. If you didn’t get the point. Well, what can I say? Read this story again. Take it slow this time. Alright?