Other Dancers by justin spring - HTML preview

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Aug 11, Mid-Afternoon, the Courtyard



I'm lying under the giant mango tree, pouring rum

in small, continuous amounts into my limonada

when something makes me look up, see the two maids,

Rosario and Concepcion, staring at me,

giggling softly into their hands. There's something

vividly unreal about them, as if they had suddenly

materialized out of nowhere, like Indians

in a rain forest. And then I realize it's because

I've never seen them out in the open like this, only flitting

from room to room like shadows, waiting to show themselves

to Mercedes' nephew: the one who always comes alone,

sits under the mango tree all afternoon listening to love songs.

Who says Gracias, Por Favor too much, who has been counting

every brick in the house, one by one, since he came here.

Ah yes, Senor Justin, look at him: sometimes, when he's alone,

when he thinks no one's looking, you can see him

trying to crawl out of his eyes.