Plantation Echoes: A Collection of Original Negro Dialect Poems by Elliott Blaine Henderson - HTML preview

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Well er coon kin go to kollege

Git his head chucked full o’ knowledge,

Till he knows ez much ez Solomon de wise.

He kin study an’ summize,

Count de stars up in de skies,

Seems dey’s no place

Fo’ de eddeekayted coon.

Tawk erbout yo’ eddeekayshun

Gittin’ in de cullahd nayshun,

Gittin’ “lighten” in de head an’ sich ez dat,

Yo’ kin larn sah, till yo’ hat

On yo’ head woan’ fit exzac’,

Seems dey’s no place

Fo’ de eddeekayted coon.

Eddeekayshun am all right

Ef er coon kin git er sight

’Stead o’ makin’ bread an’ buttah by de hoe,

He kood entah any do’


Whah he’s qualified to go.

Seems dey’s no place

Fo’ de eddeekayted coon.

He doan’ allus want to hoe,

He wood like er little sho,

Fo’ to git er little sweetness out o’ life;

He has had er worl’ o’ strife,

Allus struck by trouble’s knife.

Seems dey’s no place

Fo’ de eddeekayted coon.

All de coons kin cut dey pranks

Fo’ to git into de banks,

Wid de white fo’ks fo’ to handle wid dey cash

Dat wood sorter spile de hash,

Make er fraycus an’ er clash.

Seems dey’s no place

Fo’ de eddeekayted coon.

All de coons kin go to Yale,

Larn Greek, Latin, by de bale,

Larn to numbah all de hyahs up in dey head;

Dey may read dis thing wid dread,

Nufin’ else kin dey be said.

Seems dey’s no place

Fo’ de eddeekayted coon.

Ez I saunter ’roun’ de town,

An’ I skim mah eyes eroun’,

Whah de white fo’ks am in business ebbry where,

Yo’ kain’t find er coon in dare


Wid de white fo’ks sellin’ ware.

Seems dey’s no place

Fo’ de eddeekayted coon.
