Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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What is the power that sometimes flows
Between two minds, that makes it seem one knows The other is in danger or in pain,
Or even dead? Researchers try in vain
To find it. Sceptics say
Coincidence is all that is in play.

I am sure that love
Is a power that can move –
A quantum force like quarks,
Like waves of light or sound –
That waves of love or thoughts
May travel ‘til they’ve found
The right recipient, like signals from a radio. That is how some know
The fate loved ones are in, but yet again, I believe the power of thought lives after men.

I believe a sub-subconscious sea
Of thought, common to all, may be
Where all our inspiration comes from.
“Communication with the dead”,
And the ideas which have led
The mystics and the prophets, sometimes to their doom, Their conviction is so strong,
Come from this sea of thought, of love.

It is no power of God above,
But quantum energy that we may one day see. It may be
Proved by Hadron Collider or microscopic lens, Or transmitted wave that sends
A beam that reaches some specific mind.

Science may some day find GOD.