Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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Some feelings go too deep for words,
And I am lost for language to explain
The depths that move inside my very core, That permeate my soul with desolation.
The dark Samsara of black holes in space – The nothingness – is kin to my despair.
I am too dead to care to want to live,
To care enough to try to end the torpor.
Then torture bids me leave the fires of hell, And I find energy to fight the pain,
And love steps in – the love of those around me – To give me strength and hope and courage. Slowly I rise like Venus from the ocean,
From the emptiness of my depression.
Again the song of birds at light of day,
The dew-drenched glistening grass beneath my feet, The rosy light of dawn kissing the heavens, The lap of waves where earth and ocean meet, And the friends and family who surround me, Tell me of a life that is worth living.
I pray and men and heaven give me courage To hope and live and love and journey onwards, To love myself and others and the universe, And know that I am valued by mankind.