Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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The moonlight breaks across the waves
Of the dark and inky sea,
And my heart is breaking with love for you. I wish you were here with me.
I don’t ask to possess you.
I know you want to live free.
It’s just that sometimes in my life
I yearn for your company.
My love for you will always be
Wide as ocean, deep as the sea,
And just as tumultuous and free.

I swear by the risen moon, Phoebe, My love will always constant be. The moon is as constant as the sun, Whatever the Bard has said, dear one, And yet it does not blaze with heat Where tides and golden beaches meet. In silver waves I’ll flow to you, Constantly, as tide is true.
I’ll ebb and flow and give you room, As at the will of beckoning moon. Constant will be my ebb and flow, As waves lap on the shore then go. Freedom is as freedom does.
Why question how a lover loves?