Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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The night I flew to you On silver wings
And walked the streets of Sydney In the rain and dark and cold, I would have sold
All but my soul,
And flown across the world To come to you that night. I would again.

I couldn’t find a bus,
And I couldn’t stop a cab, And I was cold and weary,

But in your street my feet grew wings, Somehow knowing you were waiting. You’d been hoping I’d come to you To warm your loneliness,

And chase the gloom of rain, And I came.

Did you begrudge me
The time I stole, my angel? Then why was it that you waited, Watching from your window as I came? Did you not, too,
In your lonely, silent room Sometimes rebel against the fate That flung our hearts together, And then parted us,
Too soon?

Did you wonder that I came Was I insane?
No. Any night, my lovely, I would bridge the miles between us
To talk and walk beside you, To breathe the air you breathed, Rather than try to sleep, and weep For things that might have been. You were my dream.
Another night I only
Stroked your cheek
And touched your soft, fair tousled hair, And watched you walk out in the rain, And waited, fearing
That you might not come again When I was free to love you, Not knowing if you cared As I did.

This night I broke your stubborn silence, And wrung the half-cry from you: “I have no right…”
I had to know for certain If you dreamed too, as I dreamed, That your joy as mine would be To see your dreams and mine Entwine.

But God! My God!
To make it right!
That night
My heart was torn in two, To fear,
To dare to hope,
My dream might yet come true, That you might throw aside your pride And love me, too.

I wanted what you wanted, Your happiness as mine. You raised your eyes to meet my eyes And in your eyes was pain. Your words spoke your rejection. Your eyes begged me to remain. How could I leave you forlorn there, And walk out in the rain?

Forgive me, Golden Angel, And please try to realize It was far too much to ask me Not to try to take advantage Of the yearning in your eyes. That I scoffed at marriage vows then Doesn’t mean I can’t be true. It was no vow of marriage, but of love, I made to you.
And I beg you please to trust me To keep that promise to you, Though I see the hurt and anger in your eyes. I’m sorry. I thought only
Of the lonely months without you. I never have intended
To hurt you or betray you,
And if the shrew says otherwise, She lies.

Please believe that I do love you, That I cherish and respect you, And if it must be so, Although the days pass slowly, And the nights are even longer, I shall wait in holy patience Till you have the right to take me, To come running to the shelter Of your arms.

If you really love me,
Forgive me, gentle lover,
And promise only for me,

That you will wait as I wait, That you’ll take my dreams and keep them, And then I swear, my joy,
That my return will be to see Your dreams and mine entwine, My Golden Boy.