Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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Written 2am Saturday 14th July, 2007.

You weren’t as tall as I remember, and your hair was white, Although your eyes were clear, your body limber. You still stood straight and tall, and yet you had a grace That wasn’t there when I last knew you –
Serenity, a quiet conviction. Though in my face You must have read the racing of my heart,
You bade me leave. I knew you would.
And though I grieve, I loved your strength. I love it still. Resolute you stood, this time no sign of yielding, Though my heart broke like a wave dashed against a wall. I know what’s in your heart. You loved me, too, But not the deep, tempestuous way that I’ve loved you. I would surround you, I would drown you
In the flood-tide of my love,
If you let my love come surging in.
Let my heart break against your wall.

My darling, all that is fine in me,
The fire of divine in me,
Takes breath from your love,
And your pride in what I can be.
(I saw the pride in your eyes today, Although you bade me go away.)
I can live my life through with the memory Of the glow of pride in your eyes for me.

I shall love again, as I live to do. You’ll go on alone as you choose to do. My heart will mend, and in the end I’ll be happy as you want me to be.