Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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( Sunday 16th November, 2008.)

I watched the gathering clouds At the end of day.
Power went out, as we were warned A storm was on its way.

I listened to the radio
Crackling in the night,
Heard of the devastation
At The Gap, and families’ plight:

Homes crushed by falling trees, Roofs tossed into the sky, Homes hit by wild debris, And fences flying by;

Cars crushed, roads blocked or in flood, Trees down, lines down, power gone. I listened to the drama
In the dark, alone.

The roads were cut, and phones cut.
There seemed no way you could get through, But Monday was your day of fame.
I said a prayer for you.

When the morning dawned I bought the Monday paper, And I realized a moment Of sweet fame didn’t matter.

At least you didn’t come to harm As many did that night.
Their tale was in the headlines, Not yours – their sorry plight.

The Gap was total ruin, Death and devastation,
And your brush with fame Would not have been lasting.

Change the world in silence. No need to tell your story. I know you and others

Work for higher glory.