Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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Betrayed! It’s like a knife-wound in my heart. It burns like acid in my brain, And tears my soul apart.
Betrayed! My entrails feel ripped out, My hopes and dreams are dashed, Ideals torn asunder. I face black truth at last.
Betrayed! The anguish runs too deep For scars to ever heal. At night the nightmares haunt my sleep, And still the wound I feel.
Betrayed! Love didn’t count the cost ‘Til treason reared its ugly head, But once love’s thrown back in one’s face, Love watches where it’s led.
Betrayed, and there is no more trust, No faith in love denied. When love is mocked one mocks love back.

One scorns to care, will just deride.