Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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The hoi polloi are gazing at the glitter and the glam,
Star-gazing at a culture that underneath’s a sham.
The wealthy tourists come to shop, to see and to be seen
By other vain patricians, and proud plebs who live beyond their means. There’s dining that indulges your gourmandizing passions, The most expensive jewellery, the most exclusive fashions. On the street are worn shirts, sneakers, slacks, so casual.
Where in Noosa is there worn in vogue apparel?
Apartments range along the street with names like “Ocean View”. In upper stories one might get a glimpse of ocean, true.
How many come to Noosa to bathe or ride the surf?
Noosa is the beach for kings, the wealthy’s turf.
Much cash is spent in coffee houses drinking the aroma,
And one small cup of coffee, for in Hastings, Noosa,
Money doesn’t always stretch to a second cup of coffee.
The hoi polloi just want excuse to observe the toffee.
The toffee, too, are looking to see who else is there.
If you’ve not been seen in Noosa you’ve not been anywhere. The rich sit drinking coffee and eating vegetarian,
Fascinated by the hoi polloi and the way they carry on.
So each is watching each and rich and poor each seem absurd,

To any observer who may be observing the observed.