Poems by Meg Mack by Margaret Mack - HTML preview

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Written 9.11.08

Is he a flash across the sky
That lights the threatening clouds, Then disappears in history
Beyond the clamouring crowds?

Or is he a silver moon that shines To see the darkness through,
Then sets when light of morning sun Comes to the world’s rescue?

Or is he the approach of dawn, The sun that lights the day,
And ends the darkness of the night, And chases fear away?

He has broken barriers of race, And proved not others’ equal, But the best, above the rest. The world awaits the sequel.

U.S. has proved a fool may rule, And almost sink the nation, But democratic vote may bring About its restoration.

Our hopes lie with Obama,
That he’ll be wise and strong,
And guide his country and the world

Through dark hours to the dawn.