Precious Poetry - From PROBLEM to POEM in 7 steps by Ronaldo Siète - HTML preview

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3.1 - Life of a Poet


The First Idea

Writing, my friend, starts with something to say.

I have an idea and then look for a way.

The format to show-and-not-tell should be clear,

Or there is no reason to go on, my dear.


The Second Draft

Putting some thoughts into ink, on a line.

Although it's not perfect, it's there, so it's fine.

Reading it over, to add and delete.

Word feuds and struggle, conflict and compete.


The Third Rewriting

Tune words, tone and grammar; those tasks turn up now.

Rhythm and rhyme and I know little how.

Stylistic devices, and metaphors too.

This is my profession, my craft, what I do.


The Fourth Doubt

Is this word perfect? It's clear what I mean?

Can you imagine it? Can it be seen?

Is it offensive enough to alarm?

Racist or fascist or lacking in charm?


The Fifth Reader

How lovely, how touchy, how funny, how nice.

It's crisp and original, fit for a prize.

A best-selling story, appeals to a crowd.

I've only one question: what is it about?


The Sixth Sense

This isn't a verb, and it isn't a noun.

This isn't a village, and it isn't a town.

This isn't a joke, and it isn't a clown.

This isn't a feeling, and it feels going down.


The Seventh Publication

The final conclusion, the cream on the cake.

The Truth will reveal us the false and the fake.

One moment of glory to ease all the pain:

I throw it away and start over again…



[Editor's Note: In seven steps from problem to… no poem, no problem.]