Precious Poetry - From PROBLEM to POEM in 7 steps by Ronaldo Siète - HTML preview

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Precious Poetry

From PROBLEM to POEM in 7 steps


(the Why, Where, When, What, Who, How & Wow of writing poetry)


by: Ai Ni Phu & Ronaldo Siète








We dedicate this bundle

to innocent poetic justice,

locked up inside us,

screaming to get out.





Polderdam, 1 December 2021

ISBN: 978-94-92389-17-6 (ePub) and 978-94-92389-18-3 (pocket)
The pocket version of this book is printed on recycled paper. The electronic version was made with 100% renewable energy, as the writers get lots of energy when they read it again or when they read reactions from enthusiastic readers.

Publisher: Editorial Perdido (

Author-right: @ 2021 by Ai Ni Phu & Ronaldo Siète

Author-right front cover: @ 2021 by Ai Ni Phu

Author-right back cover: @ 2021 by Ronaldo Siète

Thank you, thank you, John & Maureen, and Asun for the caffeine.


THIS IS A SHAREWARE BOOK. You have permission to have it, read it, copy it, share it, print it and use the texts, without permission of anyone. You can do everything with this book except making money with it, as that's the Author-right of the writers and illustrators.


This is a work of fiction. The situations in this book, no matter how much you like them to be true, are fiction. The people in this story, no matter how likely you want them to exist, are fiction. Truth is stranger than fiction. That’s why we write fiction: so you can learn to find a better truth.



The grammatical and spelling errors in this work are on purpose.

The first reason for this is commercial. Studies show that readers feel superior when they find errors in other people's writing. That's why we instructed our editor, Miss Take, to make sure our readers feel special when they enjoy our books. Only Editorial Perdido gives this glorious feeling of happiness to their clients.

The second reason is political. Every error is a protest against the Grammar Nazis, who complicated the language so the average educated person cannot put hor thoughts on paper without errors. Even the magic spell checker doesn't understand it any more. Language is communication. It belongs to everyone, not only to the diehards who dedicated half their lives to study it.