Pretty Girls Don't Bleed by Emily Allison - HTML preview

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raindrops on roses -



rain on a warm day.

old books in a library.

acing that one test.

them saying ‘i love you’ back.

a kitten purring in your lap.

freshly shaven legs in cool sheets.

that first taste of fall.

snow days.

waking up and realizing it’s the weekend.

being around people you love.

getting a compliment.

making somebody laugh.

forehead kisses.

happy tears.

that one moment in that one song.

rewatching your favorite movie.

just being inexplicably happy.



i woke

incredibly early

in attempts to

catch you in your

rawest form.



one morning -

preferably on a

saturday or sunday -

wake up really early.

do it alone.


it’s okay if you

miss the sunrise.

it happens. i’ve done it.


but take the time to

yourself. do what you want.


take a walk.

read the Bible.

go on a swim.

pray out loud.


be with yourself.

it’s amazing, what you can

learn about your soul and spirit. 


i was taught

very young

to never judge a

person by how

they look.


why has it become

so hard for

everyone to follow

this simple rule?


aren’t we

all beautiful?


there is something os

crisp and clear about

the image that comes

into my mind

every time your voice

shuffles through my
