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Montgomery A. Gummy


He had always done the addictive stuff since high school

Now he was up to his neck in money loss from something that sounded like “hero” combined

With “in”

“Mr. Gummy, do I have to pay my home money? I got nothin’, Mr. Gummy”

“Shut up and pay me or get a squishy fistful of my red gummy, buddy” Mr. Gummy responded

To his plea of refusing to pay money.

Montgomery A. Gummy was quite the funny buddy

He had a red body, huge and made up of gummy

Montgomery A. Gummy was not a happy gummy

He had a look of hatred and aggression

And seemed to grow even redder

When one refused to pay their apartment rent money

“Mr. Druggie, If you don’t pay me I’m afraid I’ll have to kick your ass out into the empty.”

“But sir, I don’t have enough currency!”

“No excuses, Mr. Druggie.”

Mr. Gummy smiled in thought of doing drugs with Mr. Druggie

“Then I do the HERO and do it INside your room, Mr. Druggie.”

“Just me and you, druggie. I got no friends to do it with, and I’m lonely, so humor me with some

Of your drugs, buddy.”

Mr. Druggie had no choice but to listen to Montgomery A. Gummy

“Ok. Come inside, Mr. Gummy.”

“YAY! Thank you, you high little druggie!”

Mr. Druggie had no choice.

His landlord was no soft, cuddly bunny

Montgomery was a beast

Made out of squishy, sugary gummy

Red with anger

And a bull’s temper on what was otherwise just tasty candy

“Sit down over here, Mr. Gummy.”

Gummy and Druggie sat down on a worn-out couch in the gross room belonging to the druggie.

Mr. Druggie had never bothered to work for any hard-earned money

He never did have enough

To pay the fifty-million per one half of one month each year

Mr. Gummy requested he did

Mr Gummy had started acting as his sneaky, secret dealer as a deal

Dealing Druggie the goods in his office

And in the quiet alley nearby

The one that no one ever bothered to walk through anyway

He gave the druggie homemade small versions of himself

All different colours

Red, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink, gray, orange and some with a strange brown hue-like


Most ones Montgomery stuffed

When in the comfort of his own office and room

The ones with the strange brown hue-like colour

He took out of that difficult-to-understand-what-colour-it-was-toilet

He never flushed in his filthy, hardly-ever-cleaned-bathroom

Mr. Druggie didn’t mind

He knew Gummy shoved the “hero” “in”side of the miniature gummies that he craved for and

Enjoyed irresponsibly so much

Montgomery A. Gummy was thirteen times his mass anyway

Although made up of soft, squishy muscle tissue

That the druggie would have otherwise considered eating as a satisfying candy feast

Which would have made Mr. Montgomery’s home one with his tummy

Mr. Gummy could still kick his ass without even wanting to try or act weak while doing it to try

To be funny

So, Mr. Paul W.C. Druggie had to share his delightful “hero” gummies with a much larger and


Red, easily angered gummy creature

Mr. Gummy’s favourite childhood toy

Was a bong he played with when he was but a young laddie

He brought it over to Mr. Druggie’s place

Not only because then he wouldn’t have to kick that druggie man “out into the empty”

But because he got really lonely by himself

With only the way-too often used bong to keep him company

Montgomery was a chronic cigar user, his “friends” were bigger cigarettes

But he could only smoke and eat so much

Till it got real boring for him

With used cigars thrown all over the floor like a fortress of smoke

Some cigars Mr. Gummy didn’t even bother to spit out

And instead opted to chew and digest them

He never felt any ill effects

It never felt funny when it came out the other way

And he didn’t know what they looked like

Nor did he ever want to know what they looked like when they came out the other way

What a poor gummy

But tonight

Even now as an intimidating gummy and a struggling druggie were munching each on one big

Bucket of gummies

With “the hidden surprise” in each individual piece

One whole bucket at a time

Buckets filled up beforehand by Montgomery

As they always did on all of these midnights

Just seeing stars

Indoors, mind you

Not where they’re supposed to be, you see

Something that was the result of getting just a tad bit


Mr. Gummy was just not satisfied

“Hey, Mr. Paul W.C Druggie. May I swallow you, by any chance? As one piece of chewy candy to

A suffering druggie?”

“Eh, why not. Sure, Mr. Montgomery A. Gummy. I’m just your hopelessly drug-addicted funny,

And not too lucky, buddy.”


Mr. Montgomery cries yummy, joyful tears of gummy

Most people just try to eat the big gummy when they meet him

Stopping when they realize

That he’s simply too big to properly eat, no matter how much they like the gummy

He thought Paul W.C Druggie was like that at first

And would try to do that to him

But Paul the broke druggie never did, even when he was really hungry!

Finally, now Montgomery A. Gummy had found a friend!!

A fellow druggie that he could irresponsibly, aggressively abuse illegal and possibly fatal drugs

With as a buddy!!


That overgrown mountain of soft red gummy ate his resident druggie man in one big, giant gulp

Of his chewy, wide red throat

Paul’s body going down to live in his tummy

Montgomery’s stomach started to feel rather funny

He wasn’t much for the process of proper digestion

In fact, he looked like a bloated dumb gummy dummy

But that proved to be a fatal neglect on his part for this midnight

As Mr. A. Gummy barfed and dropped dead

Flat on his back

Flat dead in the middle of Mr. W.C. Druggie’s open, hard wood floor

The monster gummy made a giant “THUD”

As his heavy, monstrous and lumbering body

Hit on his back

The great, big floor that was empty

With too much empty space to fill with any number of oversized bodies

Paul W.C. Druggie simply had too much “hero” “in” him

To be healthy for any large, oversized gummy to digest properly

Without disrupting the healthy, normal functions of the body

Be it the human body or the soft, candied gummy body

And it didn’t help

That Montgomery W.C. Gummy had been “drinking” some “coke” “In” side his room earlier

Before coming over to his favourite druggie’s room to start up on the high all over again

He was a gummy bear of variety

Of experimentation, people said

And it caused an angry, silly gummy teddy to drop dead

Crashing loudly into the middle of the wide-open, hard

Wooden floor that lay beneath him

All because of the lethal side effects that it had the chance to pose to him

What a poor, poor indulgent gummy

What a poor, poor broke druggie