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In a house

Made up of dirt and debris

Black painted on white on the outside

Brown painted on rusted crimson on the outside

A lady tries to fend off a monster

Called “IMAG”, her lady friend who often spoke negatively

Imogene Marissa Anna Garza for the long form of that name

IMAG has been her partner for three years

And ever since then

Misery has come like bullets from the walls all around

IMAG hit the lady’s body because she was ugly

IMAG hit her lady because she was too, too sad

IMAG hit her lady just because a smile of joy is what possessed her to do so

The reward of joy from an unhealthy destruction to her lady’s face

The crying, the beating

These did only made IMAG happy

Happy as a bird under a spring waterfall

Stuck with herself and no one to help her

The lady decided to fight back

Against her evil partner

Striking with a blunt rake

The type of rake

Unsharpened by neglect

She poured her own neglect

Onto the rake and sang a nice

Calming song so she wouldn’t get too stressed

As she beat IMAG with a force of an elephant-like rhino

Driven by the temperament of a strong lion

Needing to catch and eat some food

The blood was now on her hands

Or so she thought

Would she be arrested for killing nothing but what was

A person imagined by her?

There was no way to tell

IMAG had come into her life

When the lady’s three sons and seven daughters had died

They were all smashed up

Into sad, unrecognizable pieces

By a giant, careless driver driving a truck speeding towards the goal of causing death

IMAG had entered her life then, at that time in her life

Their lives intersected with each other

Another woman who understood the lady’s pain

And fed of it

And fed or it

So much it made IMAG smile at the thought of it

If she could combine the suffering

She had stored away

With the suffering of this depressed lady that she had met

The two could live in a relationship

The same gender

The same sex

When the lady had lost her one male partner

To a fatal, life-threatening disease anyway

In a past of times long, long since past

But IMAG is now dead!

Would the lady be free of the same-sex

Violence against her brain and mind?

IMAG was just a goofy, troublesome image to her

Imogene Marissa Anna Garza probably didn’t even really exist

But Imogene was still taunting the lady

Even in brutal death

“What am I to do?” The lady wondered, not about to give up and have to not live with herself

“Will this shiny gun help me out?”

The lady considered entering into a relationship with Mr. Long Barrel of Steel

Who was a sex opposite to hers

But she knew

That the relationship could only end in tragedy for her, the lady in the relationship

The laughing barrel couldn’t help itself but to get the last laugh

First the death of a non-existent woman whom was nothing but an image she was previously

Friends with

Then the death of her

By Mr. Long Barrel’s abusive “hands”

She put the steel to her head

Remembering her children’s deaths

“Maybe I should go meet them in their heaven “

This is what the woman thought

“Just one time being with “Mr. Long Barrel will certainly be enough for me to handle”

With Mr. Long Barrel of steel

Kissing her neck

Giggling and salivating as he did

At the part that formed a hole-like space at the end of his lips

Seeing herself of her own end of his suicidal death against her

Waiting for his kill

Seeing her image in her own suicidal death from his neglect

And the quiet satisfaction that would come after that decision on her part

The uncomfortable silence

The lady remembers what the image of IMAG had told her before

“Remember, never be yourself. Too many people around you leave you forever if you just end

Up just being yourself.”

Thinking back on it,

IMAG was always right all along

The truth the lady wanted

Had momentarily vanished when the image of IMAG

Had come into her life

But now the truth was present before her

An imaginary friend, very different from the crushingly negative one IMAG had been

The positivity overflowed through the barrel upon her

Sending out pretty rainbows to wrap around her now smiling face

She left her relations with Mr. Steel Barrel

And threw him out of the house for someone else to have to deal with

For someone else to have to find him wandering out on the streets, all on his lonesome

She had a new objective in mind

An objective that she had realized

When she thought about how much fun it was to be around the life

Of all the deceased people that used to surround her as family

“I’ll carry their lives as my own.”

“They will never truly die as long as I live my own to the fullest.”

“I’ll live my own in my heart, as a reminder of how they believed in my own life

Till the day they never no longer died in my heart.”

And with that

The lady completely forgot about IMAG

And went back into the house

Closing the door behind her

In order to live fully in this beautiful, wondrous habitat

Made up of dirt and debris

Black painted on white on the outside

And brown painted on rusted crimson

Also on the outside

The lady would live without fending off a monster

Of the same or opposite sex

The lady would live

Cuddled up to a cut teddy bear

That she had formerly perceived as a monster

To her,

That monster had turned its ugly head

Into a beautiful face

That this lady had now finally

After all this grieving time

Learned to possess

And make one with her own