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“Hey man, you think the future for me is gonna to be cool?”

“I dunno. I think everyone would like to think of and hope their own future is cool”

“Ya, I know, but do you think I’m a special snowflake?”

“Why use the term “special snowflake?”

“Even snowflakes are not really individually all that special. They are all just still snowflakes, after all.”

“Ya, I know, but seriously, I hope yours and my future’s are both bright, you know, man?”

“You’re crazy, buddy.”

“Ya are gettin’ too sentimental with me, my man. This is some deep girly shit, so don’t put it on me, ya hear, buddy?”

“Hey man, I was just trying to discuss things with you, ya know? That’s what friends are supposed to do, ya know? No need to be so harsh, buddy!!”

“Ya, we’re friendly, but you are such a little girl, you know? Why did ya think I would have any useful answers about your future for you? Still desperate to know? Still deluding yourself, my favourite bro, you know?”

“Well, fine then, I’ll go ask a fortune teller or maybe somebody else that knows about my bright future, but not yours! You upset me, bro! Stay away from me! We’re no longer best friends ANYMORE!!”

“Ya, whatever, man. Just go and though a temper tantrum like some spoiled drama queen, would ya? I have no use for someone who doesn’t even know about their own happy future, after all, BRO!! So LEAVE!! GET OUT OF HERE, YOU KNOW, BRO!!”