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Fenrir The Polar Bear: Part Two


As he is pulled out of the water

Fenrir sees his competition

The Sasquatch

The beasts

His fellow bears have finished their hunt for him!

His fellow bears have betrayed him!

He is the hunted now, and they are the hunters!

Suddenly he feels a transformation take place

The Sasquatch watch with their beady, squinty eyes

Thick fur standing on end like a timid cat

As Fenrir grows the head of a serpent

As he grows the tail of a scorpion

The ferocity of a wolverine

The hooves of a horse

And the temper of a fire ant!

The Sasquatch stands no chance

As Fenrir makes short work of them

He stings one Sasquatch with the scorpion venom

And then devours him whole without chewing

Using the power of the wolverine

He tramples the other with fearsome hooves

And cuts him into minced edible pieces

Using the serpent head of chaos

They tried to restrain Fenrir

With the strongest chains in the icy landscape

He broke free

And emerged stronger than ever!

But when Fenrir was victorious

An arm reached out from his throat

Fenrir felt the remains of the bear he had eaten

Move in his stomach

He felt the arm reach out like a piston

And put a magic ribbon around him

A magic ribbon

Made of the sound of a cat's footsteps

The roots of a mountain

The sinews of a bear

The beard of a woman

The breath of a fish

And the spit of a bird!

The arm and stomach moved

One last time

Before the bear finally died

And Fenrir

He was imprisoned

A walrus

Formerly a threatening beast

A Intimidating polar bear

A creature of extreme muscle

Of extreme strength and size

Reduced to a walrus

And imprisoned by a simple ribbon

He would stay there

Until he was a frozen statue

And this was a reminder

Of the life cycle of this unforgiving climate

Of the need to feed and thrive by any means

Of the need to be restored to something that is stronger

Something that is deadlier in every way

By destroying your own kind

Destroying the kind of creature you once were

All to simply survive

Only to be bound forever by the ones you consumed

The ones you were once a part of

The ones you belonged to