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The Tortoise and the Crab: Part 1



Was the crab slow?

Who knows?

I don’t

But the tortoise certainly was

After getting almost beat by that dumb hare

Who stopped while he could have

Just kept going

The tortoise


To challenge the crab

The crab was a show-off

Smoking a million blunts

Before the race

With a wrinkled, tired

Old face

His sleep bags under his eyes

So big and deep

That they formed multiple skin flaps

And deep,

Black lines

That looked like crevices

They flapped over on each other slightly

Just loose, flappy


Each individual fold

Drooping over into

And folding into the one before

The crab’s eyes looked like

They sunk into the back of its skull

Too tired to want to pop out

And show their small, beady

Pitch-black colour

To the tortoise

When the race started,

The tortoise had,

Of course,

Drank his morning coffee

And looked alive and well,

Energetic and ready

To “run” the race

Filled with the healthy essence

Of a nice,

Big morning cup o’ Joe

When the race started,

The crab pinched the turtle violently

“What the fuck!?”

This was the tortoise’s reaction to that fact

The crab desperately tried to pinch

The tortoise to death

Thinking that was the sure-fire way to win

Oh, that dumbass

The crab’s breath smelled like smoke

And it disguised the tortoise

Who almost threw up

Both his morning coffee

And breakfast

When the stench hit him full-force

“Get that stupid crab out of here!”

A referee of the race called,

A moose in a striped black and white uniform

With a black collar on top

“ But I just want to beat that damn tortoise!”

“No! Get this crab way from me! His breathe is actually suffocating the air around me!”

This was what the tortoise said

“Stupid tortoise! After you beat him, Mr. Hare started abusing alcohol and got really, really drunk off of it!, affecting his rabbit health!”

“Hey, that’s not my problem, buddy! Maybe he shouldn’t have stopped in the middle of the damn race and let me go past him!!”

Eventually, the moose referee picked

The crab up

With his giant antlers

And threw him out of the race