Rose of Sharon by Boygene Borice - HTML preview

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Sanctuary of Love


A heart full of love is worth more than a palace full of treasures without merry.”


A fountain of fresh waters from Fourteen Falls,

Touches the heart with ecstasy of stillness,

Yet they can’t bring a lasting adoration to the soul,

With which your affection has poured unto me.


I have heard of tales of maidens from the East,

Whose presence pampered many a souls to serenity,

But you, my Love, your devotion is superior,

To any understanding within a man’s dictionary.


From you, flows wells of ardency like anointing oil,

Sliding through the chambers of my heart,

Locked inside of me, they quench off the shame and pain,

And adorn me with suits of joy and happiness.


When I’m caught within the floods of sorrow,

Your love delivers me and sets me free,

When I’m chained within pangs of lack,

Your love showers me with abundance of life.


Exceedingly and abundantly above all I ever asked,

You have given me, my Love, when non could,

Sailed me through the sea of fulfillment and tranquility,

When no one was ready to row with me in life.


You are a sanctuary whose priest I know not off,

But one thing I know; you are made of love,

And every day, I will surrender my soul to you,

And my whole being will worship in the myriad of your love.


You are my sanctuary,

You are my sanctuary of love,

Forever, I will abide in your presence.







New Dawn


“Like sun in the morning so is love, when fully embraced”


The sun rises in the morning,

Graced with God’s glory,

Upon us it showers light,

Whose radiance is our warmth.


You, my Love, are not the sun,

But you have risen in my life,

With delight and passion unfathomable.


Your presence has become like a harmonious song,

Whose lyrics are full of life upon my being,

If it were not you, my Love,

I would be void of joy and peace.



You have washed away my fears,

That I have been in bondage for years,

You cleansed me of all darkness,

That had caged my soul.



You have purified my life with your affection,

Made me whole with your adoration,

What more could I say, Love?


You have adorned me with new dawn,

Dripping with abundance and all that pertains to life.

















You can never taste love and be the same, even a mad man knows that


The beauty of the sky is manifested,

By the brilliance of the moon,

And adorned by the shining stars,

A beauty only known by poets.


And you, my Dear Rosa,

You are more than the moon and the stars,

Your beauty is beyond a man’s word or comparison,

You are an elegance whose depth is indescribable.


You are a charm whose impact,

Has brought glory to my soul,

Healing to my heart,

And strength to my bones.


You are the royalty whose honor,

Supersedes all the kings and queens,

For none, have I found that loves,

And cherishes with all like you.


In your presence are fountains of peace,

In your heart are bowels of love,

In your arms are waters of affection,

From your lips, a forest of green pastures.


My Dear Rosa, words can never be enough,

To unveil how great you are to me.


You are Different.













Love is the only light that travels through the body, the heart and the soul and does not leave you in the same darkness ever


When the sun kisses the dark skin of the earth,

Flowers blossom richly, showing off their grandeur,

And you my Love, are like the morning sun.


Before I knew you, my sweet Love,

I was fading off like a starved flower,

Wandering through the summer season,

But I found no shade nor light for my soul.


Now here you are,

A new heaven in my presence.


Your love has firmly held me like chains,

With a touch so tender as a baby’s palms,

Your affection is like a fresh fountain,

Only a single drop, is a cure for my ailments.


You touched me, and my tears melted,

You touched me, and my fears faded,

You touched me, and my worries vanished,

You touched me, and my wounds healed.


What can I say, my Sweet Love?

Words can never express your great love,

Neither comprehend your profound touch.


If love is to be spoken, then I will speak of you,

If love is poetry, then you are the best poetry,

If love is to be sung, then you are the song I will ever sing,

If love is to be written, then you are the best book I will ever write.








Once Again


If you don’t get rejuvenated, refreshed, renewed and strengthened, then it’s not love- just walk away.


What would my soul have done?

Where would be my resting place today?

If it were not for your love,

That has cleansed off all my afflictions.


For long, I have walked on paths,

Seasoned with sharp thorns and blades,

Swinging from all sides to feast on my poor soul,

I cried and wept, yet my tears ended in vain.


I waited within the abyss of sorrow,

If one, kind soul would come with salvation,

But everyone that came, came for her glory,

Came to devour me to give up on the thought of you.


But you came, my only sweet Love,

Set me free from the shackles of loneliness,

Broke the chains, of desperation,

Gave me a hand and a heart to hold on.


You made me see light in darkness,

You created a way through the mountains,

You gave me strength to sail through the storm,

You gave me freedom, in the garden of your love.


Today, I will celebrate you, my Love,

I will sing praises for the glory of your love,

I will shout out your sweet name in joy,

And dance to the eminence of your touch.


Once again, I have a purpose,

Once again, I have a haven to rest,

For your love, has been my revival.







Don’t Go


If you love, no mountain can stop you, no valley can swallow you- you can’t give up


What would the world be without you, Love?

What path would I tread, without your presence?

Where would I hide, the shame of your going?

Don’t go, my Love, just a little more time.


I know it breaks your heart, to breathe this kind of air,

I understand, the pain you carry in your heart,

But would you please, just hold on?

This wind that blows today, will soon come to an end.


Open your eyes and see the joy that comes,

Hear how our victory arises from the four corners,

Though it may take time, surely it comes to pass,

Just a little more patience, and we will be free.


Tonight, it may be sorrow, but joy will come in the morning,

Today, we may lack, but tomorrow we will merry in abundance,

Just hold on, Love, this too shall pass.






















From a Far


Love is like a magnet that never loses its strength, even from Far East, you will get attached to the one on far West


They say love at first sight,

But for long I couldn’t comprehend the meaning,

Of such a literal saying,

Until the day I saw you from afar.


On that day, the sky seemed clear,

The brilliance of the sun shone with greatness,

The wind blew soothingly,

Carrying with it the sounds of love.


I couldn’t take my eyes away from you,

You were glowing like the new moon,

I could feel your presence in my heart,

Like that feeling of drinking still waters.


I could smell the fragrance of your skin,

Oh, my! How could this be happening?

But love comes in mysterious ways sometimes,

And there and then, I was already within its walls.


My Love, this affection I have for you,

It never started when I was close to you,

Neither has it started today,

But it started when I was still a far.


I loved you, before I even knew you,

I loved you in my eyes,

I loved you by meditation of your presence,,

I loved you in my heart, before even I could say it.


If the world arose against us today,

If they took you away from me,

I will still be loving you,

For this love, started from a far.







A Prayer


“Our desire to be happy should be driven by love, what gain is there to seek with selfishness?”


Dawn is here again, so bright, so brilliant,

Birds are jubilating, so melodious,

Morning breeze moves through the window,

Life flows, with you beside me, Love.


Dwell in your presence, so much peace,

Live by the fountains of your love,

Feed on green pastures, a forest of your affection,

Dance to the melodies, a wealth of your lips.


Evening comes, share the glory of the stars,

Together, as the breeze caress us all through,

Darkness comes, together we shine,

Love for us, affection in us lightens up.


Oh, Love, if death comes early,

Let it find me in your laps,

If pain comes morrow,

Let it find me in your arms.


What is worth to die for in this life?

If not to breathe your last in your loves bosom.


This is a prayer, my Love,

Whose answers I know not off.
















From the Past


“Only love can heal the wounds of the past, clear off the scars of our failures and give us a new blameless present and future.”


I grew up like a child, yearning for love,

But the chains that held me were so strong,

Like a caged bird, I longed to have a scent of intimacy,

That comes from a heart that is true and pure.


Then you came, my sweet Darling,

Like the winds that bring rain in the Middle East.


From the shackles of loneliness, you set me free,

Clothed me with freedom of affection,

And showed me the true way.


You won for me battles I couldn’t win,

Gave me victory, I had never tasted,

A champion, in the game of life, I became.


You nursed the wounds of my past,

Scrapped off every scar on my skin,

Clothed me in the grandeur of tranquility.


You delivered me from the lustful desires of my eyes,

Redeemed from the terrible addictions of the heart,

And gave me a purpose to focus on.


From your touch, I have life,

From your care, I have strength,

From your words, I have a purpose,

And with you, I have a destiny


It’s beyond glory and honor to have you,

It surpasses all understanding to have your love,

You are love and love is you.








A Song


Find love, you will never stop singing-love is the melody


There is a song in my heart,

With lyrics graced with care,

For the love you have given I.


There is song in my heart,

Whose taste is like delicious berries,

Designed only for you from I.


This song, my Love,

Burns with melodies of passion,

I have always harbored for you.


Oh, how mellifluous are the melodies,

When your name touches my lips,

As the beat goes on and on.





























Mockery can’t defeat love, pain can’t stop love- love is the universal force that holds in every season


Save it to the savages! They always shouted,

Mocked me to the ends of the world,

Shame! Shame! I am shame! Believed I,

I couldn’t stop crying and lamenting.


Then you came, my sweet Darling,

Like rain that comes in summer.


You enclosed I in your arms,

Though I was so dirty even for a handshake,

You feared not, you saw beyond my filthiness,

You believed I can be who I am today.


You cherished I with whole of your being,

Tended to my sorrows with compassion,

Cleansed away my pains with affection.


You showed me the way in the valley I was,

Gave me strength in my weakest moments,

Became the doorway for my freedom.


Because of you, the pain is gone,

Because of you, the shame is no more,

Because of you, sorrow is nullified

Because of you, I am free.


Much I could say, this day,

But can never be enough to account,

All the deeds and your devotions for my wellbeing.











A Request


One thing I have always prayed for- is to dwell in my Love’s presence: what gain is there to wander from East to West just for treasures?


If today, I lost my sight of you,

If my lips are too weak to say your name,

Cry not my Love, tears will weaken me more,

Be strong, and seek hope with all your heart.


If today, I lost my arms,

If my chest lost the desire to hold you,

Weep not my Love, weeping darkens the soul,

Be strong, and seek comfort in the Lord.


One day, my soul will be weak,

One day, my heart will fall,

On that day, my Love, be strong,

Stay focused, don’t lose the sight of me.


One day, you will never see me again,

One day you will never hear my voice again,

On that day, my Love, don’t give up our love,

Only love will pass you through the storm.


These words may be a fate to come,

And when that fate comes,

Please my Love, don’t run away,

Fulfil, this request, with a kind heart.

















As You Are


My heart longs not for what people see, but what you are. That is what love is.


Flowers blossom with vigor and strength,

Yet they fade waiting for another season,

But my Love, you have remained the same,

Holding still to the virtues of our love.


Heroes rise, yet they fall by a single temptation,

When they are easily carried away by their magnificence,

But you, my Love, though you are not a hero,

You still rise in my heart like the sun every dawn.


I have seen maidens of known honor and dignity,

Hailed from the four corners, yet they vanish without a word,

But you my Love, you have always been there,

Sharing and dining in the sorrows of my misfortunes.


You have chosen to stay on my course,

Believed in me even when I failed,

Stood by me, when I was laid bare in shackles,

Held me up, when I was thrown in the abyss.


What a jewel of true woman you are,

A woman whose love surpasses all understanding,

A woman whose honor is built on true love,

As you are, so have you been to me as I am.


Today, tomorrow and forever, I will love you more,

As you are, as you have been and as you will be,

For this love we have, transcends the yonder.












On This Road


It may be tough and rough, but I will always be with you. I am your companion traveler in this journey


Times have come and gone,

Seasons have risen and fallen,

Many have tried and given up,

But us, we are still on this road.


They said, we couldn’t go far,

They said, we were being driven by flesh,

They said, we were just playing a game,

But all they did, was just ‘say.’


When times were strident for us,

They said, we will never make through,

They said, we will ultimately part ways,

But all they did, was just ‘say.’


When they walked away from us,

They thought we will be swallowed by loneliness,

They thought, we will never have a place to belong,

But all they did, was just ‘think.’


They forgot what binds hearts together,

What makes soul weep for each other,

They thought we are like them,

And expected us to fail as they did.


Today, my Love, aren’t we proud of us?

Who could have believed, we will still be here?

Drinking and jubilating from the cup of love.


Today my Love, I renew my vow to you and to us,

Till the end of our days, I will be here with you,

For you, for us, on this road,

And Love will be our only guidance and lead.








A Letter from Me


You are every letter my pen writes…


Dear Love,


I am the man I am today because of you,

Your love modified and defined me.


I am, because you transformed me,

When I had lost the sense of who I was.


I have joy, because I drank from your cup,

Whose taste is pure affection from the heart.


I am strong, because of your lips,

They always breathe words of life.


I am shining, because of your touch,

You adorned me with a hyssop of your lushness.


I am rising, because of the strength of your arms,

They have always been the backbone I lean on.


My Love, I may not exhaust every good deed,

Neither give you the whole world as some say.


But I promise you an ocean of love from my heart,

All of me, all of who I am, will forever be yours.