STIGMATA - Political Musings of Unrequited Love by Ruxandra Duca - HTML preview

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Mad world


Can you hear the words of the silence

In the stillborn thoughts of the mad?

Their life endless, Prometheus hanging,

for the glory filled dreams that they’ve had?


In my dreams I have witnessed the swan’s song.

In my nightmares I’ve seen people thrive.

Locked away in their bodies so long,

dream by dream, not one breath, still alive !


Still alive on the nectar of angels...

then at twilight my heart starts to throb.

This young heart, dead throughout all the ages,

resurrected on hearing you sob.


Have you lost all your thoughts for damnation

when damnation seems pure like a dove?

I have witnessed this abomination,

in a dream of a madman’s lost love.