STIGMATA - Political Musings of Unrequited Love by Ruxandra Duca - HTML preview

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Good morning, my love...

The sky is a mess, among pieces of silvery blood.

Lives howl gravely from below my own soul,

you don't know...

I believe that this fog is the heart of the world, and this light is the blood of my dreams...

yet I dream in the sky, far above waves of ink,

and I speak though I'm buried so deep.

I remember believing that my black wings would grow...

Yes, I soared while I knew I was mad,

I remember your nightmares, and I think I am sane, missing memories that I never had.

And through blizzard and steam, in the midst of my dream

We fought bravely, we suffered, we strove.

I've returned to myself, you've forsaken your thoughts, I've been buried.

Good evening, my love.