STIGMATA - Political Musings of Unrequited Love by Ruxandra Duca - HTML preview

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I sat there,

among the winds,

among the leaves,

between the worlds.

A swing, suspended from the ceiling,


pushed gently by the hand of an angel.

They flew towards the chains,

and stole blackened feathers from the angel's wings.

these birds... these spirits,

looking to feed on the joy of the hopeless.

They coated my mind in deception.

My hunger could not extinguish itself in the cold of bread crumbs,

These birds... they did not steal my feathers,

yet they warmed my senses.

Stay hungry for fulfillment, they chirped surreally.

They coated my body in deception.

I was not hollow, nor was I lost.

I was not lonely then, when they chirped,

"Stay hungry for life...

and life shall feed you victories...'

These birds... they stole my sorrows!

The swing dangled motionlessly,

pushed by the hand of God.