STIGMATA - Political Musings of Unrequited Love by Ruxandra Duca - HTML preview

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Locked in my room,

I’ve patented this... hearts-detector

built from words,

glued with feelings.


Taking it to the streets,

I surveyed the poor.

‘What is the most important thing?’


Love, money,

love, money,

love, money,

and someone said ‘health’.


The old refused to talk...

‘What a weird young lady!’

The beggars were chatty...

‘Could you spare some change?’

A dude in a suit, who carried a valise

beheld me rather puzzled, then exploded,

‘Oh, please!’


You’re going to the airport?

I then tried being funny...

Have you someone who loves you?

‘‘I’m married to my money!’’


Therefore I asked a priest

he said “God loves us all!

Why don’t you buy some candles

and pray to end your war?”


I said ‘I lead no battle!’

He laughed and grabbed his gold.

‘Why don’t you sell that cross,

and help some of the old?


Why don’t you sell that icon,

and try to feed the hungry?

And how about that crown?

Come,come now, don’t get angry!’


I tried to take a photo.

He screamed, “don’t touch my car!”

I stole all of his gold chains.

“Please, tell me where they are!”


But no! I took my gadget,

and walked right to the banker.

‘Gee, dude, with all that money,

where d’you get all your rancor?’


He said “these sleazy poor folk,

they’re late with all my quid!”

Geez, dude, with all that money,

where d’you get all your greed?


I pressed my hearts-detector

quite hard against his chest,

he then called the police.

“Miss, you’re under arrest!”


“You have the right to remain silent. Everything you say can and will be used against you in Court.”   Um... How about ‘no!’?


‘I’ve always liked your sirens...

How do you make them stick?

I’ve glued my words with feelings.

What glue-brand do you pick?’


He said, “why won’t you shut it?”

I poked him in the chest.

Ticktock, ticktock, ‘oh, heartbeats!’

“chain-watch, you dreadful pest!”


He threw me out so quickly!

Boy, do I need a heart!

I went straight to the baker...

‘Can you bake me a tart?


Then fill it with some ticktock

and make it swell and pump,

and make it warm and friendly,

here, use this tiny lump!’


The baker was displeased...

His fat cheeks turned all red!

I took my hearts-detector

and hit him in the head.


But now... my hearts-detector

is working less and less...

I’ll go to that young man

and have a match of chess...


‘Say, when you move your pieces...

do you think of the pawns?’

“Well, I’m a politician,

and I must use my force!”


I shoved my hearts-detector

quite hard under his blade,

‘Come, come, ticktock a little!’

I yelled, and cried, and prayed...


I then ran to the surgeon

‘Have you some hearts to give?

My people have no ticktock!

Why do they even live?’


He said, “my dear, oh dearie...

That is so awfully funny!

I have hearts in my freezer...

but first... Show me some money!”


I put my hearts-detector

right under his left arm.

He pushed away my gadget.

‘Good man, I mean no harm!’


But then he called his huge guards,

I had to run and run.

I ran to the philanthropist.

‘I know that you have one!’


He said... “are you a journalist?”

‘I am, I am, sure, sure!’

“Is there a hidden camera?

If not, well... There’s the door!”


I yelled ‘you must be kidding me!’

and left without the quid.

My quest to find a heart

has proven so... Stupid!


So, here we go, the failure,

the time that I have wasted...

I threw my hearts-detector

straight down into the wastebin!


I have a knife, a bowl,

and there’s a piece of rope...

But no, no, no! Not that!

‘I’ll make a stethoscope!


And take my hearts-detector

right back, and make it work!

I’ll find at least one person

with 1% ticktock!’