STIGMATA - Political Musings of Unrequited Love by Ruxandra Duca - HTML preview

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Unrequited love


I love you, and thank God that among

the waves of horror, I have found a shield

to hold me high, to face the infamous All-Seeing-Eye

and ask of things a myriad, of which

nobody cares, though everybody says

they do.


In a different world, we would have gathered

stars in the nest of our own hands,

and dust, to shape each other’s dreams,

and flowers that no longer suited the seasonal


of the Summer.




In a different world,

we would have taught the birds to fly,

we would have painted on the blank page of the sky;

In a different world we would have been too different

to find it perfect as we are.




But in this world,

we find it perfect to pretend that we are one,

we find it useless to promote what could be done,

we take our poison to the clouds, then shoot them down,

these birds, these dreams we steal away

from our own futures...

We boldly abnegate the Sun.