STIGMATA - Political Musings of Unrequited Love by Ruxandra Duca - HTML preview

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I ran upwards

I ran upwards though my soul was chasing itself


a body deprived of hopes,

a boulder against the wind.

Horizon lines

of worlds apart

embraced each other,

behind the top.


Trees failed to stop my soul,

happiness failed to stop my body.

I flew and I rolled,

torn in two essential dilemmas...


To fail or to succeed?

To live or to fall prey...

to myself... to the world...

to my unspoken horrors.

To die or to fall prisoner

to reality? To deceit?

To myself...


I ran upwards, among figures of people,

and angels,

and trees,

past God.


And when my soul hit the bottom,

my body found pieces

of the Zenith, the bridge, the alley to conquer,

beyond time and meaning,

for my soul was a conqueror,

and my body

fell dead.