STIGMATA - Political Musings of Unrequited Love by Ruxandra Duca - HTML preview

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I don’t forsake


And God said unto me

‘do as you please, my child,’

and I said ‘God, have mercy,

I leave them to each other.’


Lo and behold! The ashes,

pillars and waves of smoke,

the dust of all the deserts

rotting away my hope!


The love I came to teach them

dispersed through fumes of blood,

I called out to the sky...

‘what have I done, my God!’


I never left this prison.

I carried through the years

a pen and all my nightmares

to write upon with tears,


and when I faced my mother,

I hated all and one,

for I could call again

‘my God, what have I done?’


Then God said unto me,

‘have mercy on the poor...’

I set ablaze my freedom,

tried one by one to lure,


but one by one they left me,

I hated one by one.

The night allowed no music.

‘My God, why have I come?’


Then God said unto me,

‘you’ve come to tame their wars.’

I held the harness tightly,

refused to ride that horse.


Then God said unto me:

‘You’ll ride not one, but four!’

‘My God, my God, have mercy!’

I closed and locked that door.


And when I smashed the lock,

the angels held a book.

‘God says that you should write it...’

Why did I choose to look?


Then I said unto me,

‘do you remember God?’

I whispered through the darkness

‘I proudly bear His blood!’


And through my lonely carcass

the wind played with the rain,

I mustn’t feel the sorrow,

I will not feel this pain!


And people went and whipped him,

they tore apart his tomb!

‘My God, why have I come?!

Return me to Thy womb!’


And God said unto me

‘white stones shall burst from steam!’

I’ve written down my failures,

He said ‘now dream, just dream!’


Those nights of endless wonder

I seal in dust and pressure.

God held my hand for years.

He said ‘you are my treasure.’


He said ‘have mercy, child,

on everything you touch.

Behold that patch of color,

the ant, the sun, just watch!’

And I said, ‘God, my Father,

why do my people starve?’

He handed me the chisel.

‘You know what you must carve!’


I carved my soul in paper,

‘My God, why am I here?!’

He said,’ don’t let their stones

teach you to bleed out fear!’


‘Why have you come, my child?’

asked God one time... Oh, Lord!

I said, ‘know You not, Father?

I’ve come to change the world!’


The angels came beside me,

they whispered in my heart,

‘Forget! Forget your purpose!

Too many on their part!’


And when they said ‘just run now!

They’ll burn you at the stake!’

I laughed at them with pity,

and yelled ‘I don’t forsake!’


How could I leave my Teacher,

my mother and my friend,

when God said unto me

‘before you bows the end.’


So now, don’t cry, my Father,

just close Your eyes and rest.

See? Blue skies shine above me,

and eggs hatch in their nest...


But God, I feel so empty,

with night in every hand.

The world is cruel and savage,

You’ve left... I comprehend.


‘Child, if you think I’ve left you,

... No! Make no such mistake!

Remember, when thy war starts,

my child... I don’t forsake!’