Sapio the Series by Lala Barnard - HTML preview

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You would think I’d want to be loved like a bestseller;

That I would want to be wanted desperately,

Taken and tucked under his arm,

Held close underneath, his biggest secret as he passes the gates

Eager to have me no matter the cost

To read my every page like I had the cure to his pain.


Or that I would want to be on the shelves of a large library;

That he would ask where to find me

In the section Recommended

Once found, he would ignore my folded corners

And pen marks left by anti-Picassos

He’d notice the missing page or two, torn from my spine

And search for it

And highlight worded strengths,

Studying me


But no.


No thank you, Thieving Lover

Your insatiable palms will always itch for more

Once you’re through with me,

I’d be nothing more than a door stopper

While you use what you got from me to find better.


No thank you, Learned Lover

You may know me better than most

But your quest has not taught you how to love

Once you’re done with me,

You’ll return me to my place on the shelf

Only to be used again.


Neither would love me long enough for my love to mature.

Both lack tenacity,

Of which I’d only blame myself for.




I’d rather be the book on the shelves of your mother’s house;

And feel at home on your fingertips

Even if I’d only be found on Spring Day,

When your attention is off the vixens on the screen

You’d sit under the late afternoon sun,

Drinking your second glass into adulthood

Flipping through my pages written in pink sunset ink

And fall in love with the warrior-crowned-queen

For taming the dragon that held her hostage

Through her own reflection.


Read me and understand

Love me and love me more

Add pages of yourself into me;

Giving birth to a new story

That we’ll leave on the shelves of our home

Until the day your son can reach it

Until the day your daughter asks about it


The day they find out how to love.