Seasons of Life - an Anthology of Poems and Short Stories by Jay Ong Minzhi by Jay Ong Minzhi - HTML preview

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An Anthology Of Poems And Short Stories

By Jay Ong Minzhi



Dedicated to


The One,

Jesus who loves me so,

And to the people who love Him

Or have yet to know Him.


















The Beginning


We are beautiful in God’s sight,

As we resonate His glory in God’s light.

He is the treasure of our sight,

The great love upon our lives.

His words are deep waters

As we search our hearts desire.

In Love we were made,

From a single word You said.

In Love we worship as one choir.


As we walk In Your ways,

Fill us abundantly with Your

Great fire,

So that we will journey and

Never tire.


For everything You are and were,

We are sure,

That we are very dear –

To the One who died for our sins.

With Your great love

This new life begins…


He Is God Of My Life


God bigger than my friends,

God bigger than my life,

God in control of everything,

God is the source of all knowledge and strength.

He is the guiding light that directs my path,

He is omnipresent: In my present, past and ahead of time.

He is the refreshing river of living water.

He resides in me.

He is my resting place,

He is my peace.

He is my refuge,

He is my strength in difficult times.

He knows my circumstances,

He knows my weakness,

But sees my strengths,

He understands me completely.

There is no place I can hide myself from His Love.

His voice is what I seek.




A journey in time,

A walk Unceasing.

Through mud and grime,

A progressive person and being.

Shifting through thoughts sublime,

Momentum builds up continuously.

In a moment takes a step in history,

Listen to the cries of the needy.

God answers them completely,

Through this season of life.

Their sorrow and plea the Lord,

Beholding through His eyes.

Eyes of loving kindness,

Grace, mercy and gentleness.

He watches over each one,

As He is placed first-

In and throughout life.





Your Name


Your name is worthy to be praised, O Lord.

Who can set the heavens and earth in place?

The universe and stars flow in unison?

You created the skies and the seas,

The light you separated from the darkness.

Through the start of time,

You made all things good.

And you blessed us,

So we may bear fruit.

From the lips of infants you have ordained praise (Psalms 8:2),

You accept anyone into Your family and house,

From the people of any race,

To the people of different countries,

Language and backgrounds,

It is all Your love, mercy and grace.


My chains are gone, O Lord.

I’ve been set free by your power of the Holy Spirit.

To You I go in times of distress,

In You there is freedom.

In You there is mercy and grace,

In You I know that there is a God.

In You Lord, a God who cares and loves

So deeply for the people and me.

In my life,

I give it my all.

To serve the One

Who gave up everything,

So that we can talk to God as a close and personal friend.

Never in history could we have such an intimate relationship with God.

Never could we pray with such zeal from your Holy Spirit fire,

As You set us ablaze for your glory and name.

Lead me in the right direction, O Lord.

In the path that You so desire in my life,

And never leave me nor forsake me Lord.

You are magnificiant,

For You are Holy Lord.

Lord God on High,

In You I place my trust.

On the One who gave everything to be with me.

Lord, I just pray,

Even at the end of today,

That all obstacles surrounding me

Will not hinder anymore-

And that I will see

The purpose, direction and plan that thee

Has in store for me.

 Even as the night grows cold,

I know that you’re always here with me.

Even through the heat of the day,

That you will continue to guide and nourish-

With Your word, The Rhema Word of life

And the fruits that grow abundantly

throughout life’s changing seasons.


You are my healer,

You are my rock in which I stand,

You are my provider when I am in need.

You are my salvation,

You are my help in times of distress,

You are the heaven on this earth.

You are the great I Am.

You are everything to me,

You are my fortress,

You are my tower over me.

You keep watch over me.

As I journey to follow thee.

You set Your eyes on me,

And you take care of my every need.

You watch my every deed.

You see the interactions with my friends in school;

You see the fellowship with my brothers and sisters in church,

And You also see the relationship within my family.


Lord Of Everything


You are greatly to be praised,

As you have shown us your grace.

Through Your son, whom you sent to us,

Teaching us righteousness and love.

How wonderful it is to sit at His beautiful feet

All day and listen to Him speak!

Turning away from our past,

We move onward toward You.

Using a God-given tool,

Your word, from the bible,

We have a closer relationship with You.

A God neither past nor future,

But the God of the present.

Lord, teach me to discard the old,

For new wineskins cannot be filled with the old.

Help me always to praise You,

For You are Lord Of All.


Light To My Feet


Lord of my life,

guide me through each day.

Illuminate my path,

Away from Your wrath.

That I may travel fast,

To the destination You have

In store for me.

I pray,

Whatever words from my lips I say,

Will be honouring to You.

Thank you for always being with me,

Interceding for me.


Blessed redeemer,

Blessed assurance in times of need.

I call to Him in times of trouble,

And He saves me.

He reaches out His hand to touch me

And guide me through life’s steps.

There is a longing,

Deep In my soul,

To be with God.


A Journey Of Faith


A journey of learning,

A path of discerning,

Wisdom and knowing,

All that has been taught,

Teach me, O Lord,

To apply those day by day,

As I read them and say,

Things that will honour Thee,

In all that my heart does,

Let not the focus be

Self-conscious me,

In the car, the train

Or on the bus,

That my Spirit within,

Will continue praying

For my kin,

For the people around,

Friends and those I see

In church, school or in town.


A better place


Past the hills and seas,

Further than the distant lands

And deepest, darkest valleys,

Beyond all imagination and intellect,

Where dreams and visions coincide,

There is a place.

A place not bound by time,

A pasture where there is no lack.

A field of mercy and grace,

A place in which suffering and strife

Are all erased.

In this place,

Days and months go without a trace.

The sunrises but never sets.

That place is in my heart,

Nobody could ever shut.



There is a hope,

For us folk

In the God we serve.

He gives us new birth,

Fills us with love

And teaches us how to live.

He makes the path straight

For those who obey,

And would not stray.


He saves those who call upon Him,

Even as circumstances look grim.

In those times of trouble,

We often shudder

And become broken asunder.

It is a wonder

How we are always so dear

To the One who knows no fear.




The Baby Was Born


There was a star,

In a place of far.

The angels sounded their horn

as that baby was born.

His face shone,

Even though he had gone

To a world so torn.


2000 Years Ago


The sins of the world bourne

On that fateful noon.

It was a day of gloom,

As evil was in full bloom.

But through it all

He opened the door,

To a new shore

Where God stood tall.

Through God’s grace,

We entered a new phase.

Any (all) who believed were saved

And could enjoy a better place.


Your Presence Here With Me


Throughout troubling times,

You were there.

It was Your Grace And Love,

Like a dove

That brought me

Through the darkest times.

When I was in despair,

You were there.

Lord, be not far off,

But always remain in me.

I will always praise Your glorious name,

In Your sanctuary and

Your house of worship.

Like a rose planted in season,

You groom me and

Water me at my roots.

You give me life

So I may enjoy under the sun.

In the still of the night,

You give me peace,

Remove my grief,

At Your table I will feast.


The Light Of Dark Times


In the darkest time,

A light will shine -

When all hope is gone,

When life is but torn.

This light will shine,

So bright it’ll

Make you blind.

It will keep watch,

Like a torch,

And be close to you

In times of blue

Regardless of what you do.

It is Jesus who is the light,

Taking care of you

In times of fight or flight.

Closely bound, tighter than glue.

He uplifts and strengthens you

With His outstretched right hand,

And As a shepherd,

Lead us through still waters,

That our imagination remains unfetted.

That we may not be pressured,

But rest from our hurts

And efforts.


Jesus Desire


My soul longs for You,

Whether I’m at home,

Or travelling to and fro.

Jesus is the answer,

For all of my troubles.

He is the peace that

Surrounds me,

Blessings overflow from thee,

And let me see,

Who I ought to be.

He is the link

Between lives.

He is love,

The comfort of my soul.

In Him I rest,

Do not lead me

To the test,

But deliver me from evil.

I will be true to You,

God almighty,

For You are

My guiding light

Jesus the salvation of my life.


You Have Been So Good To Me