Silent Reflection: A Book of Poems by Chukwuma Darrell - HTML preview

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Silent Reflection is a collection of poems by Chukwuma Darrell that channels the innermost thoughts, feeling, emotions and love of humankind. The poems characterized in this book relates to the life and activities of so many individuals.

It ranges from love story, mysteries, friendship, rivalries, happiness, peace, among others. The book stretches out about the poet’s view on reflection and seeking out a better stance on different things life throws at him.

Silent Reflection is one book that will surely give you a lot of things to ponder upon.


My Mystery

The quiet night beckons.

The thumping of my heart shoots.

How do I stay clear of this feeling within me?

Thoughts, guilt, emotions and uncertainty wound me up through the night.

The peace I crave seems distorted.

Lingering moments are mountainous.

Sober reflections awaken me.

I’m awestruck by the voices in my head.

This aura reeks of authority.

Oh, I wish the night will end.

Who will be my salvation?

At Home with Grandma

What a fun mama she was.

Dancing with her Grand kids was a thing of Joy.

Leg up, leg down and take a turn was the direction she instructed to follow.

The ambiance of the room entails the story of a woman who knew what she was doing.

God should be your number one priority my son.

Her grey hairs exhibited so much wisdom through the words she spoke.

Are you fine my son? Tell all your problems, that they may be solved.

Words of wisdom are never to be taken for granted.

She spoke of words that would venerate your mindset.


From Within

She was so close to me

yet, I envisioned her far away.

Her silhouette figure still shone bright in the dark room.

Mamma mia! how beautiful she was.

I had the will, but lost the hope.

Can she ever be mine?

A moment with you will surely be everlasting; or so I thought.

Are my physicalities enough to make a move or am I still clouded by the little flaws in my head?

Met her on a sunny morning.

Came close but speech deterred.

I couldn’t find the right words to express my thoughts.

We stared as though we were from another universe with nothing but just empty words.

Color Radiance

Oh, how the color “Black” spontaneously radiates on your skin.

It is an embodiment of your natural physique and beauty.

The elegance in your steps lights up the hallway.

She is spotted right in the midst of the whelming crowd.

She knew she was at the center of attention just as she walked Into the room.

So much gusto filled her character as she knew she was watched by most men.

From that moment,

I knew so many would want to jump on the black trend.


And I was left to wander alone.

Alone because my views were different.

Who is there for me?

Who is there to calm my sorrows?

My soul longs for social control.

Am I to succumb to views set by others, or am I to stay on my own path to self-control.

In the midst of my insecurities, I strive for perfection.

Knowing the lines are blurred and the roads are usually crooked, I still stand by my beliefs.

Never alone to face my problems.

Never alone to do the right.



She spoke to me for the

first time.

Though, it felt like we’ve

been communicating forever.

Her words gave resonance to

hidden truths in my heart.

Where have you been

all my life?

Is this the beginning of

something special?

A stranger whom I knew not,

awoken the emotions within me.


I hoped to see you in a better light; when you’ve transformed into more than your original self.

Seeking for what is right and good in others.

I hoped to see you in a better light; setting forth statements and goals, striving for veracity in a world where there’s little of it.

I hoped to see you in a better light; doing to others what you do for yourself.

Taking a moment to see that all that glitters is far from gold.


Try not to worry about me.

I will be fine with each passing moment.

Just as the stars and moon radiates in the presence of the dark, so will I do same.

I have come too far.

But I will not be shaken by these obstacles.

The storms in my life won’t have no breathing space now.

Because I am ready to fight my battles.


Ball Motion

What would I feel if I were

a sports ball?

The ideas, thoughts, sorrows and difficulties of each player all hampered on my little head.

Oh, how I would love to make it stop.

The weight of it all is capable of causing an explosion.

These secrets weigh down on me.

The kick of the ball remind me of your fears and desires.

The kick of the ball remind me that I’m only a servant, hearkening to his master’s wishes.

How I would love to be in control, that I may change a lot of things.


Sunny day.

Hazy mind.

That feeling of satisfaction as I downed a full glass of

chill water.

How would I cope without you?

In life’s juggle, what serenity and tranquility you bring to this thirstful soul of mine.

The chilling feeling clouds the emotions of the day’s affliction.


Who I Am

They say hard work and kindness

do pay.

But does my goodness turn me into an easy prey for legions to exploit?

How do I succumb to a change in personality?

My upbringing made me who I am.

But the world seems to have a different plan for me.

The tendency to be who I’m not will not prevail.

The good that I do will not be limited.

I am calm.

I am hopeful.

I will stay strong.


Is doing what is right enough to turn the tables around?

Will going back to the past affect the outcome of today?

Will your new love for me, mend this broken heart of mine?

Will true happiness ever come as I mask this hidden scars in my heart?

What is left for me in this universe of uncertainty?

Invisible Friend

What words do you have in store for me, my invisible friend?

You write to me day and night but don’t have a clue why.

You chose me for a reason but I can’t seem to comprehend your decision.

Your writings have a knack for centering on an important phase in my life.

Maybe you and I might actually be alike.

Do I write back or would that seem crazy?


I’m not a weakling that I would stand by and let you walk over me.

Being friendly to all shouldn’t be a route to take advantage of me.

Watch out, and you will see that there are two faces to what you see.

Poke the bear, and it will go berserk on you.

Nurture the right attitude and mindset and delve into the world of simplicity.

Spiraling Away

I really need to fight this inducement Why is this feeling so strong within me?

I brought all my armor to the fight and I did win

But yet, these adversaries come back to haunt me

Little did I know that the fight was only a temporary one

I keep fighting these battles everyday And it feels like I’m only losing What weapon of choice do I consider?

What element of surprise do I bring to effect this battle, that it may end permanently?

Maybe the voice in my head has a truth to tell

Maybe the voice in my head brings me great wisdom from above

Maybe the voice in my head will lead me to the right path of winning


Shall I cry on my bed

that I may get a better rest.

Can I call out to you

that you may be the light on my lonely path,

Will I go that extra mile

searching for what may not

be found.


Hidden Identity

You want to be like him.

You want to possess his attributes.

You want to master his philosophies of life.

But why would you want to be someone else?

You are created for a purpose.

You are made different and unique.

Choose to enhance your mindset.

Continue as you are right now.

With more focus, willpower and knowledge, you will be better.

My Paradise

Oh, how I long for home.

The sweet fragrance of

freedom and belonging.

Sitting in the rocky sofa chair and reminiscing about the past.

Oh, how I long for home.

The aroma of mama’s cooking

soup, moving towards my tiny room.

The feel of satisfaction as I gulp it down with a cold malta.

Oh, how I long for home.

To steer clear of the obscurities in my life.

To be at peace and reflect; even if it’s only for a moment.


You desire her,

but your actions say otherwise.

You show contempt when you

see her with someone else.

Is she your possession?

Is she under your control?

Your inward feeling and outward likeness tell a different story.

Why does your facade change

like a chameleon?

I guess it’s only just an infatuation.


Two sides of the coin

The choices to make are


The anxiety keeps popping up.

Hearts begin racing again.

Where do I go from here?

How do I remove this uncertainty within me?

Do I go left or right?

So much impediments to my


Unfathomable decisions to


Is this the way forward?


The battle of the unknown

stretches forth to the land and air.

It has a grip on me in my slumber.

Even though I gathered courage to fight back, I woke up feeling defeated.

The battle of the unknown seems challenging to personify.

The crossroads are crooked.

Limited opportunities mantle.

Where is the destination ahead?

Am I to stay still and hope for a miracle or am I to venture ahead into something different?

Am only hoping for a moment of brilliance.



Wanting to focus on myself

But I place the needs of others before mine

I keep revealing a smile tainted by cloudiness

I tell you all is fine, but deep down there’s hurt in-between

Why am I always the servant but never the master?

I would love to feel the ecstasy of being the front man

Two peas in a different pod

He was a Lion

I was a Cheetah

He knew when to attack

I knew how to run

He saw the need to enjoy life to the fullest and took it

I saw the need to be calculative and move forward

He was outspoken

I was meticulous

He admired her exterior asset and wasted no time to go after her I saw the need to examine and gain a foothold.

We were dissimilar, different and unalike. But most times, his own character gets the win


My alone time

My quiet time

My me-time

Yes, I chose it for myself

No, it doesn’t scare me

I find solace in the solitude There is harmony in tranquility Just a moment of silence

Just a serene situation to gather my thoughts

I know it won’t last forever But at least, I could still have this moment


Type of Girl

She is beautiful,

her beauty screams of

a rainbow of possibilities.

She is caring,

just as a mother cares for

her new born child.

She’s got vibes,

you could hit it off with her in an instant.

She is independent,

She’s got a zeal for supporting herself.

She is decent,

she conforms to good morals.

She is God-fearing,

her nature is transcendent.

She’s the type of girl so many would love to have.

Voices in my Head

Can you hear the sound of silence?

The echo through an empty room like an echo chamber.

A caveat of future decisions emerge.

These thoughts swirl round the room to a wishful thinking.

A thousand voices or maybe more.

There was a voice of reasoning.

There was a voice so despicable I just couldn’t get control.

I will leave before I let loose.

I will scamper off before I’m engrossed in these thoughts.

The mind has a way of burgeoning to immorality.

I won’t let it.



Love, oh sweet love

where might you be

why so far away

I sought you in different


But you were nowhere

to be found

You said I should bide my time Love’s on it’s way

But time is limited

It won’t last forever

I’ve waited and still waiting But the love I desire seems faded We had a connection

It felt magical

You were a ray of sunshine

But soon, it got clouded by your silence Your words dissipated into thin air Maybe I am searching in the wrong places Maybe it will come to me

Maybe it is still not that time Maybe it’s just playing games with me

Turmoil and Chaos

We struggle and we strive

to make sure that we shine

in a place where there’s little light to make for a better day

Where are the means?

Where are the infrastructure?

Where is our right?

What does the future hold for the next generation?

Waking up seems like a struggle You see the weakness in our eyes You feel the faintness in our speech Why labor for something so big only to attain something so little We wake up to a problem facing us, and yet another emerges

We hold steady with expectations rising What should be is yet to be

Where is the change we desire?

The way of the Ant

Have you seen the ant?

How it hustles and scurries

for it’s food.

How it jostles into one another as though, mindless.

It carries their dead compatriot to a better place of warmth and calm.

Can you see the teamwork in the little things they do?

They build their own abode that they can call home.

We can learn by looking at the little things we see.

We can discover new things that shape up our identity.

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